One of my accounts got perma banned today (no warning) because I exchanged some gold and items via the black market AH with another one of my accounts. I used the BMAH because it's a high pop on Alliance and low pop on Horde server, and I needed equipment sent to my horde toon and money and mats made botting sent to my alliance toon. Blizz apparently marked this as a gold sell and baned my horde account (I got the Exploitative Activity: Abuse of economy email saying that I sold gold). The accounts are on different I*P*s running on V*M*w.a.r.e. and blizz apparently didn't pick up on this or on the fact that both accounts are botting (they only closed one of them).
My question is, should I risk an appeal? I planed to do some actual gold selling with these accounts soon and this is a total bummer... meh
My question is, should I risk an appeal? I planed to do some actual gold selling with these accounts soon and this is a total bummer... meh