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1/2 - 72H Ban - Final Warning - EU


New Member
Mar 22, 2012
World of Warcraft Account Name: WoW1

Account Action: Suspension (72 Hours, Final Warning)

Circumventing normal game mechanics has a negative impact on the game experience of other customers.

Type of Violation: Exploitation
Category of Violation: Third Party Program
Character Name Involved: *****

While we regret to take this type of action, we have determined it to be in the best interests of the World of Warcraft community as a whole, and for the integrity of the game.
Please note that should any further violations of our Rules and Policies occur, this incident will be taken into consideration when determining the consequences for your account. This could include further warnings, account suspension or account termination.
Also note, you must log into the game after the suspension has expired to update the status of the account shown on your Account Management page.

1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account? Honorbuddy.

2)If so, when was the last time?: Tonight.

3)What profile were you using?: Grindleveling in Jade Forest.

4)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname: Druid Feral.

5)What plugins are you using?: None, really.

6)How many hours per day did you bot for?: 4-8 hours, it was questing.

6.5)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot? I usually don't leave it AFK but I stupidly left it grinding while going out for pizza.. 2-3 hours. Otherwise I usually supervise it 75%.

7)How many auctions per day did you have?: None

8)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods? No.

9)Was your account involved in gold selling? No,

10)EU or US realm? EU

11)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account? New paid account

Yes, it was stupid by me to leave it on. I was actually just going out for an hour but then got "stuck" in social things..
Not sure if I should call them / appeal it or just wait it out.

My other account which is on the same IP but with different account is still active on the same computer.
Sorry for your lost dude. When I am leveling toons, I am leveling like 1-2 lvls questing, then 1 level archeology, then 1-2 level dungeons with lazyrider, then grinding 2 hours and like that in circle.
If you ask me, Just appeal! But that is my opinion.
Sorry for your lost dude. When I am leveling toons, I am leveling like 1-2 lvls questing, then 1 level archeology, then 1-2 level dungeons with lazyrider, then grinding 2 hours and like that in circle.
If you ask me, Just appeal! But that is my opinion.

Thanks for answering, yeah I'm going to appeal.
It feels like, if I'm not appealing, it's like I'm admiting I commited the "crime".

I'll report back what happens!
I wrote to Blizzard and acted like a noob since it's completly new and fresh account.

Hello adventurer,

Thank you for contacting Blizzard Entertainment Europe. I apologise for the time it has taken us to respond to your recent petition. We're trying to get back to you guys as quickly as possible.

It would appear your character was found making using of 3rd party programs during your latest gaming session. In other words, you were caught botting. This is not something we can tolerate, and as such your account received a severe penatly. This may seems harsh but we take these decisions in the interest of the World of Warcraft community as a whole.

I answered this with that I'm very happy with their service etc but I don't feel guilty of the things I'm being charged for.

Not sure if this is smart but I don't write like I'm angry, I said I'm not looking to get hostile, just want to discuss the thing since I don't understand it. :)
i got exactly the same 72 hour suspension on 1 of my 2 bot accounts (that was actually kinda myt playing account also)
i was doing the dailies using the total dailies experience profiles.. i gone to sleep for a couple of hours and when i woke up wow got a crash and when i tried to log in my account was temp suspended.
Im also EU more or less same infos as you .. that happened between 20:00 to 23:00 or so. i think the bot acted much like bot or even stucked somewhere and someone noticed me and reported me.
im not overdoing it..and never mess too much with the AH...
I did also appeal and waiting..
i got exactly the same 72 hour suspension on 1 of my 2 bot accounts (that was actually kinda myt playing account also)
i was doing the dailies using the total dailies experience profiles.. i gone to sleep for a couple of hours and when i woke up wow got a crash and when i tried to log in my account was temp suspended.
Im also EU more or less same infos as you .. that happened between 20:00 to 23:00 or so. i think the bot acted much like bot or even stucked somewhere and someone noticed me and reported me.
im not overdoing it..and never mess too much with the AH...
I did also appeal and waiting..

I wrote this for them after I got the answer that they wouldn't change their minds, they told me that I had been using third party programs, bots.

Thanks for the quick answer, first time sending a ticket.

Ok, yeah I read some more about what it was since I werent sure what it was.
Really wierd though since I don't use any programs for wow, other than my addons, but these are no programs, just something for ingame. I didn't even know anything about that kind of stuff, I don't even understand the thing with botting, missing the game expericence, why would you play the game then?

So there is nothing I can do, even if I havent done anything? I just have to wait out the 72 hours? I will ofcourse buy another month of gametime but it just feels bad when I bought Mist of Pandaria today and my gametime soon ends and now I can't even play it for 3 whole days days..?
Not looking to get hostile, I just want to discuss this on mature level. I hope that is okay.

Thanks again for the really good service, very happy with the game and your service apart from this.
Since I don't feel guilty of the things I'm being charged of. :/

Kind Regards

Waiting for another answer
it seems that we got reported somehow... ihavent got a reply on my matter just yet. btw dont post your apeals etc here cause blizz spys monitoring the forums...

EDIT: i got a negative answer about it...they dont change their minds.. the evidence are legit etc. fuck them.

youtube downloader
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Got banned on 3 / 5 accs today all of the 3 accs were leveling from 85-90 using 85-90 kickes questing profiles. One were a SoR acc the other were regular. I also have a acc that i have been leveing with kickes grinding profiles that has not been banned. Id recommed not using kickes leveling profiles for now since they are prob detected.
Got banned on 3 / 5 accs today all of the 3 accs were leveling from 85-90 using 85-90 kickes questing profiles. One were a SoR acc the other were regular. I also have a acc that i have been leveing with kickes grinding profiles that has not been banned. Id recommed not using kickes leveling profiles for now since they are prob detected.
u are EU or US? i was not using kicks profile when i got banned... i was using the "[REP]the Complete mob experience" doing my regular dailies...it was between 21:00-00:00 server time.. im starting to believe that there was some kind of players that going for Bot Hunting and reporting all the bots they saw or something...maybe even some gms for bot hunting or something..i dont think or believe it was a specific profile.. btw my server is stormscale.
u are EU or US? i was not using kicks profile when i got banned... i was using the "[REP]the Complete mob experience" doing my regular dailies...it was between 21:00-00:00 server time.. im starting to believe that there was some kind of players that going for Bot Hunting and reporting all the bots they saw or something...maybe even some gms for bot hunting or something..i dont think or believe it was a specific profile.. btw my server is stormscale.
There gona be allways someone to report you. In these areas is a lot of players. They can do quest and watch others, it is not like when leveling char. They can spend lot of time between quest and watch behaviors from others. They not in rush because they only doing that and instances to max their ilvl. Most of them wait to que when doing dailys and have a lot of time to wtch around.
you know something i dont even believe that botting is illegal. i just play that game as its made of. i just leave the bot do all the boring stuff i would otherwise would doing.. which is doing dailys,farming ores/herbs etc. im not using the bot to play with others so im not ruin anyone elses experience with the game. its not more or different than using an expensive keyboard/mouse with sophisticated macros and functions or addons or your little brother...
They made us agree on a ToS AFTER we have purchase their product while they are forced by the law to inform possible customers with obvious infrom on their box of the game. thats why they dont have legal stands over the customers that using their product. i could use the bot because i have a disability to play otherwise. etc etc etc. they are the scums not us.