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1/1 Banned on 4-20 for Leveling at level 70.


New Member
Sep 24, 2012
1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account?

2)If so, when was the last time?:
5:40Pm EST/UTC-5

3)What profile were you using?:
Kick's leveling profile, in Northrend level 68-80. I was level 70. It was doing quests in borean tundra when it got banned. I litterally just fired it up for 30 minutes, got up to pee, came back and found it banned. It had no problems leveling up to that point and there was no one around. This was going to be a bot at 90, but it didnt make it that far.

4)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname:
Feral Druid

5)What plugins are you using?:
Questhelper - Item for Aura
Refreshement Detection
UltimatePVP Suite v 1.18

6)How many hours per day did you bot for?:
8 hours or so, though I did one 12 hour shift yesterday. It got banned after about 30 minutes of activity today.

6.5)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot?
100%. My desk has three monitors on it. I do my work / game on two of them which are connected to my current PC and had the bot running on my older PC connected to the third monitor. I was actually getting exhausted watching it level.

7)How many auctions per day did you have?:
0. It was level 71.

8)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods?
No, but I do connect via Smoothping

9)Was your account involved in gold selling?
No. It was purely for raid mat use.

10)EU or US realm?

11)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account?
Paid account
I just got it reduced to 72 hours, but I have a theory about what happened.
After the ban I closed everything out and I noticed I had two instances of HB running and bone was "stopped" (since I just exited WoW), and the other was still running, as it likely had been the entire time. Is it possible that simply missing I had a second instance open still running on the Taskbar caused Warden or something to go off? Because being in the middle of Borean at level 70 on an account I never botted on before is random as hell.
You got reported prolly, or the questbot triggered a flag somewhere around the questing, since its been monitored enough, that Blizz have done traps to some quests, which could(would) flag these accounts which get into them, for manual review by GM.
dont connect your bots via Smoothping would be step one

blizz hates V P Ns

I can confirm this..
Do not use those paid V-P-N services to "hide" your real IP.
Blizzard _will_ eventually recognise that and _will_ give you a permanent ban for it.
Well I stopped using that for my second account which I started leveling from 1 the other day. Today at level 50, it gets banned 10 minutes into a new zone. I monitored the entire leveling process. The only time I ever left it unsupervised was to take a leak, and it was doing nothing unusual. I'm appealing again, but this is pretty ridiculous.

Honestly, I'm done with Kicks. The first bot I leveled, I manually leveled to 45 and ran BGBot for a week to get it to 90. It never even got a temp ban. Kicks? Two bans in three days in empty zones and barely getting stuck on anything (and when it did I fixed it in seconds). I even PVP'd a little with it, when allies attacked me.

Back to battlegrounds to level. That works. Kicks? I'm pretty damn convinced the Kicks thread above is 100% right. Blizzard likely ran this thing, figured out its questing pattern and just watched for it in these "traps". I've so compulsively monitored this, I was starting to think "it would be faster if I did it manually". Once is a fluke, twice is a pattern. Kick's profiles are dangerous.
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ive never been banned or suspended for questbot. maybe 15 toons 0-90 by now. not sure wtf you guys are doing wrong.

the only issue with kicks is you have to observe it, literally be in the room and look at it every 15 min or so.

if you don't like kicks you can level with pet battles and at level 60, with archeology. should be faster than low level BGs
I'm actually doing better than that. I have three monitors on my desk attached to two computers. Two monitors and one computer are used for WoW/work. The other monitor/computer (actually my old Core 2 Duo) runs the bot. So I'm litterally looking at it every minute I run it. THe only time I'm not paying attention to it is, literally, to go take a piss. I don't think it is possible to be more observant.

I got the second bot ban overturned because I responded to the ban within 5 minutes of it with copious details about what I was doing. But seriously, it's not getting stuck, it's all alone. It's being heavily monitored. And it isn't even a bought RAF account or anything like that. Something is wrong with this picture.
Everything anyone tells you is pure speculation. I play like you do though, I have two monitors and I constantly monitor my bot never leave it for more than 1-2 minutes by itself because it get's hung on the dumbest things and is very obvious its a bot.

If you think of a reason why you might of been targeted other than kicks, please let us know.
Just because I was curious, I ran Kicks on Account #2 for about 4 hours yesterday after 3 days of BGBotting and Archeology botting to level for 12 hours straight

Kicks was nailed and the account got perm banned after just 4 hours. It was monitored 100% of the time and never got stuck. It was in an isolated area and no one ever saw it. I even conversed in General chat with someone talking about alliance going around ganking.

It's totally the profile. Both bots have done exactly the same quest in exactly the same order in exactly the same zone. It's very unlikely a human being would leave Felwood at precisely the same quest, then move to winterspring and skip certain quests, and then go to silithus and blasted lands and do the exact same thing, ever time. With kicks, we're 2/2 on uniformity (it being a bot and all). After two runs I could tell you as a human being how it levels.

Blizzard has it completely figured out. They probably ran it themselves a few times, figured out the pattern and wrote a program to do spot checks. A second year programming student could do that stuff. But it's a dangerous profile to use, and although I expect to get my account back again, I'm officially done with it.

What zone(s) were you in specifically when you were banned both times?
On bot 1: Borean Tundra in the Salt Flats killing the ghost things, got that turned into a 72 hur.
On bot 2: first time was first few quests into Southern barrens (the part where you rapel down to the alliance town) in the 40s I think it was? Second time (today, and I just got it overturned) was the last few quests of Zangarmarsh, or rather the last few quests as Kick's does it, which is WAY different from how any human would do it. Kicks for some reason takes you from the starting town all the way out to the western most town, and after you do all the quests there, only then do the town in the north east with the flight path.

It makes no sense, and sticks out like a sore thumb. Kicks also does quests in an absolutely bizarre order in hellfire, namely the ones involving Spinebreaker ridge. It would be the easiest thing in the world for a program to parse. Doing only Y but never X when everyone else has done both X and Y, and maybe a little of Z too, makes it obvious.
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Just because I was curious, I ran Kicks on Account #2 for about 4 hours yesterday after 3 days of BGBotting and Archeology botting to level for 12 hours straight

Kicks was nailed and the account got perm banned after just 4 hours. It was monitored 100% of the time and never got stuck. It was in an isolated area and no one ever saw it. I even conversed in General chat with someone talking about alliance going around ganking.

It's totally the profile. Both bots have done exactly the same quest in exactly the same order in exactly the same zone. It's very unlikely a human being would leave Felwood at precisely the same quest, then move to winterspring and skip certain quests, and then go to silithus and blasted lands and do the exact same thing, ever time. With kicks, we're 2/2 on uniformity (it being a bot and all). After two runs I could tell you as a human being how it levels.

Blizzard has it completely figured out. They probably ran it themselves a few times, figured out the pattern and wrote a program to do spot checks. A second year programming student could do that stuff. But it's a dangerous profile to use, and although I expect to get my account back again, I'm officially done with it.

They do delay bans so if you weren't doing the same thing 5 days in a row then you won't know what caused the ban, for me I know it was too much GatherBuddy2 or nodes per hour.
Just because I was curious, I ran Kicks on Account #2 for about 4 hours yesterday after 3 days of BGBotting and Archeology botting to level for 12 hours straight
It's totally the profile.

Could be. But maybe, just maybe, botting archeology 12 hours straight is not the smartest thing to do and gets their attention. When yo're kind of flagged then... who knows. Maybe they did actually monitor you.

Just saying, I have let Kicks Profiles level a Druid over the last week. New account. Randomly just for a few hours, then paused. Played on my Raid Account, been in WotLK, Cata and MoP. He's hitting 90 in about 40 %. No ban. It may be, the did get the mesh pattern. On the other hand, maybe you just pushed your luck a little to hard.
To say that Kick's was detected or HB is, is definitely not true. However, it may have gotten you banned due to reports from other players while you were stuck on stuffs. I've been using kick's 85-90 profile running simultaneously on 5 chars, and I can't leave them alone for more than 30 min at anyone time without one or the other getting stucked due to waiting for respawn of NPCs or stuck on behaviours or stucked on some things on the ground.

I would say it's definitely a player report. And profile stucking probably got you reported somewhere, especially when HB unstuck handler kicks in, moving around stuffs and objects gives it away immediately.
You should always remember to update the profiles via the SVN so that you have the latest and less buggy profiles.. so that blizzard doesn't find anything suspicious. That's what I do.. and never receive a ban.
First off im sure after they figured out your questing patterns they watched your ip I recommend changing your ip and starting over due to them nailing every account you have on the ip. Another is maybe a few of us can message kick and tell him to create new path quest and patterns so that blizz wont be so easy to catch on. My biggest theory is that a member of blizzard bought HB and downloaded all the profiles that seem to have the most hits and is reporting back to GM's on where to be or what to watch out for really isn't that hard to think they would do something like this to catch us.