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-launch 로 디아 다중실행하는것 자체에 관해서는 그 자체로 영정 당한다는 근거없는 헛소문이 있긴한데
영문 배틀넷 홈피에서 -launch 옵션으로 디아 다중실행하면 밴안되냐는 질문에 대한 답변입니다.
디아 다중실행을 -launch가 아니라 블리자드 약관에 위배되는 별도의 프로그램으로 실행시에는 밴당합니다.
Shocker: You should be fine. Since you have to have a separate account for each instance of Diablo III, as long as you meet the login requirements for it and account requirements for the RMAH, you should have no problem.
I cannot recommend any multiboxing software as the official policy regarding such right now is that it violates the EULA, but since you are just switching between them for stash/AH slots manually that should not be an issue. ________________________________________________
Diablo III and World of Warcraft Technical Support MVP
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