This application could not be started
This application requires one of the following versions of the Visual C++ Redistributable Package for:
Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 x86,
VC++ 14.0
Do you want to download this Visual C++ Redistributable Package now?
Note: You must download and install the x86 version regardless of your
operating system
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어찌 해야하는지 잘모르겠습니다
This application could not be started
This application requires one of the following versions of the Visual C++ Redistributable Package for:
Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 x86,
VC++ 14.0
Do you want to download this Visual C++ Redistributable Package now?
Note: You must download and install the x86 version regardless of your
operating system
예(Y) 아니요(N)
어찌 해야하는지 잘모르겠습니다