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평타가 스킬창에 없다면 (악몽포격이실경우) 트리니티 버전 몇을 사용하고 계신가요?
가장 최근 버전인 2.14.23 패치내역입니다.
Crusader: Steed Charge should no longer keep other spells from being cast (except for punish) when 'Use Steed Charge Off CD' is checked -jubisman
Crusader: added some code to make sure Consecration and Iron Skin aren't cast for 2 cycles before Physical, and Shield Glare for 1 cycle (note: you need to have 'Wait for convention element' checked under Settings->Combat->Misc) -jubisman
Crusader: hopefully fixed LoN crusader casting Steed Charge when trying to TP -jubisman
Crusader: the 'Bombardment AoE Count' should now apply to LoN crusaders as well -jubisman
Crusader: made it so that the Consecration and Iron Skin Health Pct sliders don't have to be set to 100% when running LoN sader (you should now set them to emergency health, ie ~25%) -jubisman
Crusader: Invoker build now tries to find larger clusters during wrong convention elements.
Crusader: Tested and tried to improve phelon's boulder toss / FC code; then reverted it. -jubisman
Crusader: Added improved thorns Invoker build handling by darkfriend77
LoN crusader가 Legacy of Night, 악몽의 유산 영문명이니 악몽 성전입니다.
Crusader: the 'Bombardment AoE Count' should now apply to LoN crusaders as well -jubisman
'포격 몹카운트가 악몽성전에게 이제 잘 적용 됩니다'라는 내역이 있으니 이전버전에서는 잘 적용 되지 않았다는 말입니다.