队长DB提示 [SimpleFollow] Waiting for follower to open rift...
[QuestTools][BotBehaviorQueue] Triggered GetItemFromStashTag: GameBalanceId: 0, ActorId: 0, StackCount: 1, GreaterRiftKey: True, IsDone: True, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, ObjectiveIndex: 0, QuestName: Quest Id: 0, IgnoreReset: False, IsDoneCache: True, Behavior: null, with 1 Behaviors to be run at next opportunity
[QuestTools][<GetItemFromStashRoutine>d__16] Already have 16 items in our backpack (GameBalanceId=0 ActorSNO=0 GreaterRiftKey=True)
[QuestTools][BotBehaviorQueue] Triggered GetItemFromStashTag: GameBalanceId: 0, ActorId: 0, StackCount: 1, GreaterRiftKey: True, IsDone: True, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, ObjectiveIndex: 0, QuestName: Quest Id: 0, IgnoreReset: False, IsDoneCache: True, Behavior: null, with 1 Behaviors to be run at next opportunity
[QuestTools][<GetItemFromStashRoutine>d__16] Already have 16 items in our backpack (GameBalanceId=0 ActorSNO=0 GreaterRiftKey=True)
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