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V [2015/4/9 22:04:37] Relogger Thread Starting!
N [2015/4/9 22:04:37] rrrix's Yet Another Relogger fork Version
N [2015/4/9 22:05:05] Editing bot: Andy
N [2015/4/9 22:05:08] <Andy> We are scheduled to start
N [2015/4/9 22:05:08] <Andy> Language set: Traditional Chinese : zhTW
N [2015/4/9 22:05:08] <Andy> Region set: America :
N [2015/4/9 22:05:22] <Andy> Diablo:56944: Found D3 Main Window (464074)
N [2015/4/9 22:05:27] <Andy> Diablo:56944: Waiting for process to become ready
V [2015/4/9 22:05:28] <Andy> ManualPosition window:464074: X:1000 Y:0 W:320 H:200
N [2015/4/9 22:05:28] <Andy> Diablo:56944: Process is ready
N [2015/4/9 22:05:28] <Andy> Demonbuddy start delay, waiting 10 seconds
N [2015/4/9 22:05:38] <Andy> Current profile: "Rift Bot Explore.xml" Runs:0 Time:0 mintues (F:\DemonbuddyBETA 1.1.2216.506\Profiles\RiftBot\Rift Bot Explore.xml)
N [2015/4/9 22:05:38] <Andy> Delete old Kickstart profile: F:\DemonbuddyBETA 1.1.2216.506\Profiles\RiftBot\YAR_Kickstart.xml
N [2015/4/9 22:05:38] <Andy> Generate new Kickstart profile: F:\DemonbuddyBETA 1.1.2216.506\Profiles\RiftBot\YAR_Kickstart.xml
N [2015/4/9 22:05:38] <Andy> Using Scheduled Profile F:\DemonbuddyBETA 1.1.2216.506\Profiles\RiftBot\YAR_Kickstart.xml
N [2015/4/9 22:05:38] <Andy> Installing latest plugin: F:\Demonbuddy 1.1.2247.401\Plugins\YAR\Plugin.cs
N [2015/4/9 22:05:38] <Andy> Demonbuddy:57304: Waiting for process to become ready
N [2015/4/9 22:05:40] <Andy> Found Demonbuddy: MainWindow (3149142)
N [2015/4/9 22:05:40] <Andy> Demonbuddy:57304: Process is ready
N [2015/4/9 22:05:40] <Andy> Demonbuddy:57304: Waiting for demonbuddy to log into Diablo
N [2015/4/9 22:06:01] <Andy> Sending DifficultyLevel: Torment6
N [2015/4/9 22:06:02] <Andy> Check Force Enable Plugins? True
N [2015/4/9 22:06:02] <Andy> Demonbuddy:57304: Initialized! We are ready to go
N [2015/4/9 22:06:23] <Andy> Runs completed 1
N [2015/4/9 22:06:23] <Andy> Sending DifficultyLevel: Torment6
N [2015/4/9 22:06:23] <Andy> Diablo:56944: Process is not running
N [2015/4/9 22:06:23] <Andy> Demonbuddy:57304: Waiting for Demonbuddy to self close
N [2015/4/9 22:06:25] <Andy> Diablo:56944: Process is not running
N [2015/4/9 22:06:25] <Andy> Demonbuddy:57304: Waiting for Demonbuddy to self close
N [2015/4/9 22:06:26] <Andy> Diablo:56944: Process is not running
N [2015/4/9 22:06:26] <Andy> Demonbuddy:57304: Waiting for Demonbuddy to self close
N [2015/4/9 22:06:27] <Andy> Diablo:56944: Process is not running
N [2015/4/9 22:06:27] <Andy> Demonbuddy:57304: Waiting for Demonbuddy to self close
N [2015/4/9 22:06:28] <Andy> Diablo:56944: Process is not running
N [2015/4/9 22:06:28] <Andy> Demonbuddy:57304: Waiting for Demonbuddy to self close
N [2015/4/9 22:06:29] <Andy> Diablo:56944: Process is not running
N [2015/4/9 22:06:29] <Andy> Demonbuddy:57304: Waiting for Demonbuddy to self close
N [2015/4/9 22:06:30] <Andy> Diablo:56944: Process is not running
N [2015/4/9 22:06:30] <Andy> Demonbuddy:57304: Waiting for Demonbuddy to self close
N [2015/4/9 22:06:31] <Andy> Diablo:56944: Process is not running
N [2015/4/9 22:06:31] <Andy> Demonbuddy:57304: Waiting for Demonbuddy to self close
N [2015/4/9 22:06:32] <Andy> Diablo:56944: Process is not running
N [2015/4/9 22:06:32] <Andy> Demonbuddy:57304: Waiting for Demonbuddy to self close
N [2015/4/9 22:06:33] <Andy> Diablo:56944: Process is not running
N [2015/4/9 22:06:33] <Andy> Demonbuddy:57304: Waiting for Demonbuddy to self close
N [2015/4/9 22:06:34] <Andy> Diablo:56944: Process is not running
N [2015/4/9 22:06:34] <Andy> Demonbuddy:57304: Waiting for Demonbuddy to self close
N [2015/4/9 22:06:35] <Andy> Diablo:56944: Process is not running
N [2015/4/9 22:06:35] <Andy> Demonbuddy:57304: Waiting for Demonbuddy to self close
N [2015/4/9 22:06:36] <Andy> Diablo:56944: Process is not running
N [2015/4/9 22:06:36] <Andy> Demonbuddy:57304: Waiting for Demonbuddy to self close
N [2015/4/9 22:06:37] <Andy> Diablo:56944: Process is not running
N [2015/4/9 22:06:37] <Andy> Demonbuddy:57304: Waiting for Demonbuddy to self close
N [2015/4/9 22:06:38] <Andy> Diablo:56944: Process is not running
N [2015/4/9 22:06:38] <Andy> Demonbuddy:57304: Waiting for Demonbuddy to self close
N [2015/4/9 22:06:39] <Andy> Diablo:56944: Process is not running
N [2015/4/9 22:06:39] <Andy> Demonbuddy:57304: Waiting for Demonbuddy to self close
N [2015/4/9 22:06:40] <Andy> Diablo:56944: Process is not running
N [2015/4/9 22:06:40] <Andy> Demonbuddy:57304: Waiting for Demonbuddy to self close
N [2015/4/9 22:06:41] <Andy> Diablo:56944: Process is not running
N [2015/4/9 22:06:41] <Andy> Demonbuddy:57304: Waiting for Demonbuddy to self close
N [2015/4/9 22:06:42] <Andy> Diablo:56944: Process is not running
N [2015/4/9 22:06:42] <Andy> Demonbuddy:57304: Waiting for Demonbuddy to self close
N [2015/4/9 22:06:43] <Andy> Diablo:56944: Process is not running
N [2015/4/9 22:06:43] <Andy> Demonbuddy:57304: Waiting for Demonbuddy to self close
N [2015/4/9 22:06:44] <Andy> Diablo:56944: Process is not running
N [2015/4/9 22:06:44] <Andy> Language set: Traditional Chinese : zhTW
N [2015/4/9 22:06:44] <Andy> Region set: America :