2015-09-15 06:51:32,336 [1] INFO MainWindow (null) - Attached to Diablo III with pid: 8120
2015-09-15 06:51:32,347 [1] INFO MainWindow (null) - Flashing window
2015-09-15 06:51:34,448 [1] INFO MainWindow (null) - Demonbuddy was unable to retrieve offsets for build: 33414
2015-09-15 06:51:32,336 [1] INFO MainWindow (null) - Attached to Diablo III with pid: 8120
2015-09-15 06:51:32,347 [1] INFO MainWindow (null) - Flashing window
2015-09-15 06:51:34,448 [1] INFO MainWindow (null) - Demonbuddy was unable to retrieve offsets for build: 33414