Когда покупал ключ на DemonBuddy, использовал его может неделю, не больше. После чего не играл около полугода. На данный момент решил установить Demonbuddy, ввожу ключ, а мне показывает, что ключ истёк по времени. Что за херня?
When buying on key DemonBuddy, I used it may be a week, no more. After that I did not play for six months. At the moment, decided to install Demonbuddy, insert the key, and shows me that the expired key time. What the F**k???
When buying on key DemonBuddy, I used it may be a week, no more. After that I did not play for six months. At the moment, decided to install Demonbuddy, insert the key, and shows me that the expired key time. What the F**k???