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Hello everyone, wrote here a profile for the farm Legion leather and BoS
The profile consists of several parts and is adapted both for the alliance and for the horde.
A profile called CraftBank is included separately, and I advise using HBRelog to switch to this profile every 300-350 minutes...
Pretty much the title, although i've configured HB to skin and GB2 to loot (via Settings&Tools / Bot config), Gatherbuddy2 profiles doesn't skin anymore, this is a pretty much new bug, given it has been skinning mobs with no problem until the last month or so.
Any suggestion?
[FREE] [Questing][N] BigStud - Azsuna - Skinning AND Mining OR Herbing Pack
These sets of profiles are designed to SKIN creatures and will if able also gather ore OR herbs depending on the bots other profession, this is however a 'SKINNING' profile primarily.. These routes are broken up into...