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[Bot] ProfessionBuddy - A Profession Leveling bot plus more


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2010
How do I install Professionbuddy?

  1. Is now integrated into Honorbuddy.

How do I use ProfessionBuddy?
note: I will use PB as an acronym for ProfessionBuddy.
  1. Run Honorbuddy and set bot to 'Professionbuddy' from the drop-down list
  2. Open the PB window by clicking the 'Bot Config' button in HB
  3. Select one of the profiles in the profile list on the left side of the config window and press 'Load Profile' button (or double-click it)
  4. If the profile has any settingew tab named 'Profile Settings' will be loaded in the right side of the window. Adjust the settings if needed and close PB's windo
  5. Press the 'Start' button in Honorbuddy

How do I make profiles?

Refer to the guide included as part of ProfessionBuddy's "Help" system.​

Frequently asked questions:

Q: Why does PB use so much CPU power?
A: PBs CPU usages depends largely on the PB profile that is currently loaded and running. It's core uses very little CPU. Any function that needs to read a memory value from wow under the hood can be expensive. e.g. Mining.Level (at the time of this writing there is a bug in the GUI that makes it use allot of CPU when it is open, so close the GUI when HB is running for max performance)

Q: Why do I get this error
Compiler Error: error CS0006: Metadata file 'System.Design.dll' could not be found?
A: You need to install the .net 4 full version. Found here Download: Microsoft .NET Framework 4 (Web Installer) - Microsoft Download Center - Download Details

Included ProfessionBuddy Profiles

1-525 mining and herb:

  • If for whatever reason you stop the bot while it's training and it had only trained one skill then you'll need to manually train the other skill.
  • Can level Mining or Herbalism separately
  • Sells gathered materials to AH
  • Uses boat/zepplinz and portals to switch continents
  • Horde starts in Kalimdor and Alliance in Eastern Kingdoms.
  • Logs out when profile is complete.


  • Gets all items from mail and posts on AH
  • Can be set to cancel auctions that are undercut

Alchemist (1-500)(Dalaran AH):

  • Levels Alchemy 1-500 from materials bought on AH


  • Levels Fishing 1-525 in Dalaran
  • vendors fish when bags are full,
  • throws coins back into the fountain

How to report a bug.

  • If using a 3rd party profile and you're not the author then post a report in the author's thread. If you are the author and are sure the problem is a core PB problem then add a link to your profile or attach it to the post. If you wish to not expose the profile to the public then create a minimized version that can reproduce the issue.
  • Verify that you have followed all the steps listed in the 'How do I use Profession Buddy' section of the front page
  • Attach a log. This is very important and if not done could result in prolonging a response and/or fix. We don't have time to look for needles in haystack.
  • Give additional details that could be helpful in finding the bug such as profession levels if using a profile that levels a profession

No download necessary--this bot ships with Honorbuddy.

Known Bugs
We track known bugs in the second post of the current Honorbuddy "Release" thread. You can find the Honorbuddy "Release" thread in this forum:

Thread Management Rules.
Posts that have been archived from this thread are available here:

Posts are archived according to the following rules:

  • Posts older than 30 days are archived.
    Unless there is a significant reason they should remain.

  • Posts that have received a response from the Bossland GmbH staff are archived.
    Do not assume that because your post was archived, it means we don't care.
    We are simply keeping this thread clean.

  • Bug reports without FULL, unedited logs attached will be immediately archived without comment.

  • This thread is for confirmed bug reports only.
    You should have tried to resolve your problem using the Support forum, first.
    If the Support forum can't resolve your issue, they will ask that you report the problem here.

  • We will only look into bugs reported against the current "Release" version of Honorbuddy.
    Bugs reported against any other Honorbuddy releases (including Betas) will be archived immediately without comment.

  • Either report bugs properly, or do not report them at all.
    We cannot look into bugs that have little to no information.
    Bugs reported in such a fashion will be immediately archived without comment.

  • If you wish to submit a feature request to this thread, please make certain it is not already covered.
  • This is not a discussion thread.
    If you derail this thread, you will be muted for up to 30 days. No questions.

  • Archiving may not be immediate, but occur every few days.
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Notice to PB profile authors

It came to my attention that the botbases build into HB use localized names so in order for 'Change Bot Action' and the 'SwitchToCharacter' helper function to work across all languages the botName parameter can now contain the bot class type name (e.g GatherbuddyBot).

First, 'Change Bot Action' and the 'SwitchToCharacter' will do a case insensitive partial search for botbase by name (e.g 'gatherbuddy' will match with a botbase whose name is 'Gatherbuddy2') and if there are no matches then a case insensitive search is done by type name.

There are different items with same ItemID in the game, like when you craft Inscription Laughing Tarot you get trinkets with different names.

To sell it to AH in my profile i use "sell item to AH" with id 118602, but it doesn't work. Also tried "use category" armor.

Help plz.

I've learnt from blizz forums that additional information is stored in ItemLink, like " item:28484:1503:0:2946:2945:0:0:0:80:0", but is there any way to access/check mentioned properties in HB, when I put items on AH, or take/put in the bank?
This is probably a really dumb question but does profession buddy only work with mining and herbalism. Was hoping to level up my skinning but there are no profiles listed. Also, when I initiated Profession buddy it flawlessly quequed me up for a random BG. Thoughts?

I want to report problem with function SwitchCharacter

Professionbuddy logout char after instant(not switch char) enter and wow stuck on loading screen.

SwitchToAlt.xml - this is pb test profile.

3428 2016-03-05 23.09.txt - log


How to properly use CancelAuctionAction? PB just skip this function only (only moved to auctioner then switch to next tasks). Others - Post to AH and Vendoring are fine.

Using this profile over past years. Today i tryin add new function CancelAuctionAction. Snippet from profile:
<While Condition="(bool)var1" IgnoreCanRun="True">
    <CallSubRoutine SubRoutineName="Cancel" />
    <CallSubRoutine SubRoutineName="Post" />
    <CallSubRoutine SubRoutineName="Vendor" />
    <While Condition="MailCount&gt;0 || HasNewMail" IgnoreCanRun="True">
        <If Condition="HasNewMail" IgnoreCanRun="True">
            <GetMailAction GetMailType="AllItems" ItemID="" CheckNewMail="True" MinFreeBagSlots="1" AutoFindMailBox="True" Location="0, 0, 0" />
        <StackItemsAction />
        <CallSubRoutine SubRoutineName="Cancel" />        
        <CallSubRoutine SubRoutineName="Post" />
        <CallSubRoutine SubRoutineName="Vendor" />
        <If Condition="MailCount==0 || !HasNewMail" IgnoreCanRun="True">
            <LoadProfileAction ProfileType="Professionbuddy" Path="" />

<SubRoutine SubRoutineName="Cancel">
        <CustomAction Code="Log (Colors.Orange,&quot;Auction: &quot;,Colors.LightYellow,&quot;Canceling...&quot;" />
        <CancelAuctionAction UseCategory="True" Category="TradeGoods" SubCategory="None" SubCategoryType="WoWItemTradeGoodsClass" ItemID="0" AutoFindAh="True" MinBuyout="0g0s0c" Location="0, 0, 0" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="20" />


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I use this

<CancelAuction UseCategory="False" Category="TradeGoods" SubCategory="None" SubCategoryType="WoWItemTradeGoodsClass" ItemID="0" AutoFindAh="True" MinBuyout="0g0s0c" Location="0, 0, 0" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="1" />
Tryed. Still same problem: PB walk to auctioner. Opened him. No scan. Then close:

[19:02:41.063 N] Auction: Canceling...
[19:02:41.067 D] Moving to Аукционист Гессе from <-8374.018, 631.0494, 95.02055>
[19:02:41.068 D] Activity: Moving to Аукционист Гессе
[19:02:47.593 D] Interacting with Аукционист Гессе (Unit Id: 43690)
[19:02:52.545 D] Interacting with Почтовый ящик (GameObject Id: 204988)

Other tasks is still working fine - Posting to AH and Vendoring junks.

P.S. Tryed on others bots. All skips CancelAuction task. Realy confused
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CancelAuctionAction work fine for me only if no other tasks. For example:

<While Condition="true" IgnoreCanRun="True">        
 <CallSubRoutine SubRoutineName="Cancel" />
<SubRoutine SubRoutineName="Cancel">
 <CustomAction Code="Log (Colors.Orange,&quot;Auction: &quot;,Colors.LightYellow,&quot;Canceling...&quot;);" />
 <CancelAuction UseCategory="True" Category="TradeGoods" SubCategory="None" SubCategoryType="WoWItemTradeGoodsClass" ItemID="0" AutoFindAh="True" MinBuyout="0g0s0c" Location="0, 0, 0" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="1" />    

If add more tasks (Post to AH, Vendoring), PB allways skip CancelAuctionAction (bot move to auctioner, open him after switch to other task without scaning) but do fine other tasks (SellItemOnAhAction and SellItemAction)
<While Condition="true" IgnoreCanRun="True">
 <CallSubRoutine SubRoutineName="Cancel" />
 <CallSubRoutine SubRoutineName="Post" />
 <CallSubRoutine SubRoutineName="Vendor" />
 <While Condition="MailCount&gt;0 || HasNewMail" IgnoreCanRun="True">
  <If Condition="HasNewMail" IgnoreCanRun="True">
   <GetMailAction GetMailType="AllItems" ItemID="" CheckNewMail="True" MinFreeBagSlots="1" AutoFindMailBox="True" Location="0, 0, 0" />
  <StackItemsAction />
  <CallSubRoutine SubRoutineName="Cancel" />
  <CallSubRoutine SubRoutineName="Post" />
  <CallSubRoutine SubRoutineName="Vendor" />
 <If Condition="MailCount==0 || !HasNewMail" IgnoreCanRun="True">
  <LoadProfileAction ProfileType="Professionbuddy" Path="" />
<SubRoutine SubRoutineName="Cancel">
 <CustomAction Code="Log (Colors.Orange,&quot;Auction: &quot;,Colors.LightYellow,&quot;Canceling...&quot;);" />
 <CancelAuction UseCategory="True" Category="TradeGoods" SubCategory="None" SubCategoryType="WoWItemTradeGoodsClass" ItemID="0" AutoFindAh="True" MinBuyout="0g0s0c" Location="0, 0, 0" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="1" />    
<SubRoutine SubRoutineName="Vendor">
<!-- -->
<SubRoutine SubRoutineName="Post">
<!-- -->
Interact with guild bank does not work on Warspear. I tried it on my garrison and in Org and it works perfectly fine there.
alchemy not working. i load profile bot go on AH open window and stay and do nothing. what i do to working properly?
alchemy not working. i load profile bot go on AH open window and stay and do nothing. what i do to working properly?
If you request support, always provide a logfile for the issue you are facing.
How to use for the annihilation of all things in Obliterum Forge in the inventory?
the 1-600 herb & mining isnt working well. its getting stuck a lot in ashenvale. im on day 3 of trying to get my herb and mining up and its only at 100... :( playing a orc mage
I'm using the included AHBot profile for selling my items. I start it with HBRelog, and I want to skip the AHBot task after everything is sold to the AH. What is the code for it and where do I have to place it? It seems it doesn't work with the code for questing profiles or I place it at the wrong position...
Anyone else having issues with sending stuff in the mail? I say mail all trade goods and it mails maybe 1-2 things then moves on, and its really hard to loop.