Source Svn Link:
Executable Link:
What the different profile settings mean
Account Tab
Bot Tab
Window Tab
Tasks Tab
Command-line Arguments
How to report a bug
Want to contribute to this project? (fix bugs or add new features)
Send me the diffs, explain the changes and if I think they're sensible/useful I'll add them
Thread Management Rules
Posts that have been archived from this thread are available here:
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The source code is available on GitHub
If you want to download the binaries you can grab those here.
There is no installer, simply extract zip into any folder and run the HBRelog executable.
If you want to download the binaries you can grab those here.
There is no installer, simply extract zip into any folder and run the HBRelog executable.
- Windows Vista SP2 or a newer windows.
- .Net 4.6.1 - link
- Visual C++ Redist. for Visual Studio 2017 - link
- World of Warcraft -
- Honorbuddy -
- Automatically logs into WoW and starts up Honorbuddy
- Completely out of process
- Options to choose which botbase, profile and combat routine to run
- WoW and Honorbuddy crash detection
- Automatically scans for new memory offsets whenever Wow updates
- WoW window re-size and placement and custom title
- Task system.
What the different profile settings mean
When you add an new account (from clicking the 'Add' button) you will need fill out the following settings (some are optional)
Account Tab
- Profile Name - This can be anything, preferably something relevant and easy to remember. This will be used in log files.
- BattleNet - This is your battlenet email address
- Account Name - This is the name of the wow account. e.g WoW1. If you only have one account attached to your Battlenet account then you can leave this blank
- Password - obvious.. this is your wow password. (this is encrypted when saved locally as well as the battleNet email)
- Character - this is the name of your WoW Character
- Server - Name of the server/realm that your character is located on
- Region - The region your Wow account is located in.
- WoW Path - The path to Wow.exe. click the '...' button on the right to browse to it. This can also be a path to a .bat file that starts the WoW.exe, or in some cases a launcher executable. The .bat/launcher should be in the same folder as WoW.exe
Bot Tab
- Custom Class - The name of the CustomClass that you want to use e.g. Singular (optional)
- Bot - The name of the bot that you want to use e.g. ProfessionBuddy (optional)
- Profile Path - the path to a Honorbuddy/Professionbuddy profile that you want to use. (optional)
- Honorbuddy Path - Path to your honorbuddy.exe file (it can be renamed)
Window Tab
- WoW Window X/Y - The screen locations where you want the Wow window placed (optional)
- WoW Window Width/Height - The Wow window dimensions (optional)
- Grab window size/location - Grabs the Wow window size and location, requires wow to be running
- Resize to 1/__ ratio of screen - Automatically re-sizes the Wow window to the entered ratio of the monitor that its on.
Tasks Tab
- To add tasks you drag them from the left list onto the right list
- To configure a task you select it in the right list and the options for it appear below
- To delete a task, right click it and click 'Delete' in the context menu or select it and press the 'del' key
- Tasks are always looped. Once the bottom task is done the next will be the top task
Wait Task - Waits for a certain duration before executing any more task below it. Should always the first task at the top of the task list
- Minutes - the number of minutes to idle
- RandomMinutes - A random number is generated between 0 and this amount and add or subtracted to Minutes
ChangeProfile Task - Changes to another profile
- ProfilePath - Path to the Honorbuddy/Professionbuddy profile
- Bot - Name of the bot to use e.g. ProfessionBuddy (optional)
Idle Task - Closes WOW and idles for the specified duration
- Minutes - the number of minutes to idle
- RandomMinutes - A random number is generated between 0 and this amount and add or subtracted to Minutes
Logon Task - Switches to a different character on same account. All the optional values use current settings if left blank.
- CharacterName - name of character
- Server - The server your character that you're switching to is on. (Optional if character is on same server)
- BotBase - Name of the bot to use e.g. Professionbuddy e.g (Optional)
- CustomClass - Name of the CustomClass to use e.g. Singular (Optional)
- ProfilePath - Path to the HB/PB profile that you want to use (Optional)
- HonorbuddyPath - Path to the Honorbuddy .exe (optional)
Command-line Arguments
/autostart - starts all enabled profiles on start-up
/WowDelay=DELAY_IN_SECONDS - the delay in-between starting multiple WoW processes
/HBDelay=DELAY_IN_SECONDS - the delay in-between starting multiple HB processes from same path
/WowDelay=DELAY_IN_SECONDS - the delay in-between starting multiple WoW processes
/HBDelay=DELAY_IN_SECONDS - the delay in-between starting multiple HB processes from same path
How to report a bug
- Make sure you're using latest version
- Give a detailed description of the bug. Just saying it doesn't work might get you ignored.
- Attach a Log to your post. Log files are located in the Log folder inside same folder as the HBRelog.exe (make sure it doesn't contain any sensitive info. Your profile name is used in logs and if it contains Battlenet account name or character name then you will want to edit it)
Want to contribute to this project? (fix bugs or add new features)
Send me the diffs, explain the changes and if I think they're sensible/useful I'll add them
Thread Management Rules
Posts that have been archived from this thread are available here:
Posts are archived according to the following rules:
- Posts older than 30 days are archived.
Unless there is a significant reason they should remain. - Posts that have received a response from the thread owner are archived.
- Posts without attached, full logs that demonstrate the problem will be archived without comment.
- Archiving may not be immediate, but occur every few days.
- Archiving is performed by the forum mods, not the thread owner.
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