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[Bot] Gatherbuddy2 - A Gathering Bot


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2010

Where do I get Gatherbuddy2?
Gatherbuddy2 ships with Honorbuddy. The exception is Gatherbuddy2 is not included with HonorbuddyDE due to a court order. You can read more about that here:

How does Gatherbuddy2 work?
  • Load a proper HB profile (GB2 will only mail/repair if there are proper mailbox, vendor tags in the profile)
  • Check bot settings for customization
  • Hit start

Known Bugs
We track known bugs in the second post of the current Honorbuddy "Release" thread. You can find the Honorbuddy "Release" thread in this forum:

Todo List
  • None

No download necessary—this bot ships with Honorbuddy.​

Q: Where can i find a GB2 profile ?
A: Here → Gatherbuddy 2 Profiles (HB)

Q: GB2 gets stuck while vendoring and mailing in Vashj'ir. What can i do ?
A: There is only one vendor and mailbox thats supported in Vashj'ir. Those are:
  • <Vendor Name="Caretaker Movra" Entry="39878" Type="Repair" X="-6112.932" Y="4298.623" Z="-348.4023" />
  • <Mailbox X="-6112.932" Y="4298.623" Z="-348.4023" />
Q: It doesn't pick the mount i wrote on Mount Name
A: There are some mounts that are not supported by HB. For drake type mounts, try writing "Mount" at the end of the mount name. Like "Brown Drake Mount"

Q: I'm a druid and GB2 always uses flight form. How can i make it use my desired mount?
A: That's by design. Currently there is no way you can force GB2 to use a mount as a druid.

Q: GB2 got stuck at "xXx" node!
A: Please create a new post in this thread. Be certain to include the profile and your log as attachments.

Q: GB2 is not working !
A: Which part of it? Simple statements about GB2 not working, or not solving, or gets stuck at XXX location doesn't help at all. Please provide as much detail as you can while stating bugs. Thats the only way you can help improve it. Always attach your log!

Thread Management Rules
Posts that have been archived from this thread are available here:

Posts are archived according to the following rules:

  • Posts older than 30 days are archived.
    Unless there is a significant reason they should remain.

  • Posts that have received a response from the Bossland GmbH staff are archived.
    Do not assume that because your post was archived, it means we don't care.
    We are simply keeping this thread clean.

  • Bug reports without FULL, unedited logs attached will be immediately archived without comment.

  • This thread is for confirmed bug reports only.
    You should have tried to resolve your problem using the Support forum, first.
    If the Support forum can't resolve your issue, they will ask that you report the problem here.

  • We will only look into bugs reported against the current "Release" version of Honorbuddy.
    Bugs reported against any other Honorbuddy releases (including Betas) will be archived immediately without comment.

  • Either report bugs properly, or do not report them at all.
    We cannot look into bugs that have little to no information.
    Bugs reported in such a fashion will be immediately archived without comment.

  • If you wish to submit a feature request to this thread, please make certain it is not already covered.
  • This is not a discussion thread.
    If you derail this thread, you will be muted for up to 30 days. No questions.

  • Archiving may not be immediate, but occur every few days.
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Hi! =) Not sure if this is the correct place to post this but I'm experiencing the same thing that a lot of other people are experiencing, where GB2 just decides to stop moving indefinitely, until you get afk logged, log attached

View attachment 194336

bot thinks it's stuck, it's actually standing out in the wide open, stuck on nothing, happens on public and private profiles, have only run in tanaan, ground mount, profiles being used were made for ground mount. using grind bot seems to make it not get stuck but it does kill unnecessary enemies and doesn't mail so it's a bit less profitable/higher maintenance.

this is on a bot that groundfarms while waiting to complete the pathfinder daily rep
Hi, Haxxtastic,

Is this still happening, or has it been repaired by a post-.806 HB drop?

Having a problem with Guild Bank runs in Draenor (Specifically Stormshield). The bot will hearth, run to the guild banker, but won't open/initiate the deposit, it will stand there until it AFK's out or indefinitely (depending on user settings). I'm assuming this is because it's an NPC that you have to talk to versus an object that you have to interact with. I've attached the log in the zip. Any help or direction would be great, thanks!


After using Gatherbuddy twice in Tanaan Jungle, I've noted a few issues I've personally experienced.

1. Little navigation through tree tops/branches; the bot is required to perform unstuck maneuvers often. I understand that this may be difficult, or resource consuming to address if possible at all, and as such, isn't something I personally expect from Honorbuddy (It seems the unstuck maneuvers are still yet to fail).

2. The bot seems to neglect liquids all together when gathering causing it to land in Fel Sludge (Green rivers in Tanaan Jungle), or other damaging liquids. The lack of Fel Sludge avoidance forced me to baby-sit the bot. Within a span of 20 minutes of being AFK, the bot managed to commit mass suicide by repeatedly resurrecting in Fel Sludge and constantly attempting to mount (Mounting is impossible due to the Fel Sludge damage).

3. The bot seemingly makes no effort to land on flat surfaces, and rather anywhere next to gatherable objects which can sometimes be mountain cliffs/sides. This incorrectly blacklists gatherable objects, and even caused my character to land in and die to Fel Sludge.

It would be awesome, if possible, to see the latter two issues addressed, it would make Gatherbuddy a stronger, and more reliable botbase.
GB2 dismounts right after mounting

trying to gather in the classic area of wow. char flies in, dismounts, mines then mounts.. moves forward a bit then immediately dismounts throwing the char forward. this can be precarious in certain areas.

I tried it with tramper plugin, tramper (GB2) plugin and just with GB2 and a profile in Feralas. all produce the same undesired result.

Any assistance would be appreciated or bug reported. Log attached.


The issue is resolved and was totally on my end.
I am running the ElvinUI and I forgot that it screws up HB. turned it off and it is running smoothly .. again.

Apologies for the false alarm.


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Hey, is there a way to move toon move to specific point instead of making it a hotspot because if i have aggro and when it reaches the hotspot it would dismount and i dont want that.
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Download link funktioniert nicht :( gibts ne möglichkeit den gatherbuddy irgendwo her zu bekommen?!
Can you tell me how we currently create profiles at our own? I want make some simple one with no fighting and herb sniping :)
GB2 won't skin mobs that have been killed (Even with Skin Mobs and Ninja skin enabled) :( losing a lot of potential profit in suramar.
I'm not sure if this has already been mentioned but at a glance i couldn't see it. And i thought in a recent update to HB3 i saw a fix for such an issue....

Using a mining/herb profile for gatherbuddy2, what seems random between nodes the toon will fly upwards in a spiral and just spin around continuously until the node is blacklisted and then the toon will fly downwards and resume looting nodes. Doesnt seem to matter what profile i use or toon im using. Gatherbuddy under HB2 works fine but HB3 does not.

View attachment 9260 2016-09-23 13.13.txt
When using Gatherbuddy2 in Suramar it won't loot herb nodes if you're full on Ancient Mana, is there a fix to this?

edit: it does loot the herb but it tries to loot the ancient mana too, if it fails after 3 times the spot gets blacklisted. so its not the end of the world but it does make the whole proces slower
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Bug: GatherBuddy2 will not clear its target after looting and is causing problems with combat.. The mobs will be attacking but because your still targeting a corpse it will not attack and the toon will die.
I have found an issue when I useing the GatherBuddy2 bot. When the charactar move one hotspot to next, it will not mount sometimes. How to fix it?
Hello, just downloaded the test release but its not working. It keeps spamming (Flightor) Mount up failed unexpectedly. Blacklisting current location. Iam not isnide a Building, iam in Dalaran. Uploaded the log here.


Gatherbuddy does not pick up starlight rose in suramar. ? The box is ticked. It does pick it up in grindmode.
