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Honorbuddy v2.6.15589.833

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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2010
[size=-2][noparse][Test Release] Honorbuddy v2.6.15589.833 thread[/noparse][/size]


Honorbuddy v2.6.15589.833
(for WoWclient​

[SIZE=+1]Known Issues

  • Garrison API is not fully functional yet.
  • Scenario API is not fully functional yet. This will cause Dungeonbuddy or profiles that takes advantage of the Scenario API to malfunction.

  • HB-2881: Gatherbuddy2 is losing 'mount' settings
  • HB-2882: Singular melee steps 'too close' to the mob, causing the mob to move back... rinse & repeat this dance
  • HB-2883: Singular Druid is not using appropriate AoE attacks when engaging multiple mobs...
  • HB-2884: Singular FPS drops when Rogue is stealthed...
  • HB-2885: Professionbuddy throwing exceptions
  • [size=-2](Marked as fixed in '.833; dupe of HB-2868)[/size] HB-2886: Shaman is not healing in Dungeonbuddy
  • HB-2887: Singular "Pull more!" isn't working
  • [size=-2](Marked as fixed in '.833)[/size] HB-2888: Honorbuddy sometimes just 'mills about' after looting...
  • HB-2889: Singular throws exceptions when initializing
  • HB-2891: BGBuddy attacking toons of wrong faction
Api Changes:
    - Fixed an issue where InLineOfSight/InLineOfSpellSight APIs would fail intermittently. (HB-2867)

    - Fixed WoWLandMark.Type to return the proper types (HB-2877)

    - Fixed an issue with WoWUnit.IncomingHealsArray. This was causing Singular to throw errors and stop working. (HB-2871)

Bug fixes:
  * ArchaeologyBuddy
    - ArchaeologyBuddy should now work again (HB-2874)

  * BGBuddy
    - BGBuddy should now work better (HB-2878)

  * Core
    - Honorbuddy should now skin again (HB-2873)

    - Harvesting and mining should now work again (HB-2872)

    - "Dangerous script" popups should no longer appear when using Honorbuddy (HB-2875)

  * Singular
    - All specs have been reworked yet again (HB-2876)

[SIZE=+1]Reporting Bugs[/SIZE]
Please report confirmed HBcore bugs to THIS thread!
When reporting a bug, please include your full log file (found in your bot folder under the "Logs" directory, sort by creation date to find it easier), a full and detailed explanation of the bug, as well as any screenshots or profiles that may be useful in tracking down the bug.
Here are other threads where it may be appropriate to report your problem, instead of here:

Honorbuddy: Installer (recommended) / Zip

Honorbuddy Deutsche Version: Installer (recommended) / Zip
For German users, this Honorbuddy client must be used. Other Honorbuddy version(s) will not work for you.
Ref: Honorbuddy Deutsche Version - Pressemitteilung



Is it safe to bot?
Will you be supporting a 64-bit version of Honorbuddy in this release?
No. The game developer continues to ship a 32-bit WoWclient. We've had this discussion many times in the past, and the answer is "no, not until its absolutely needed". Here are two posts to get you started:

[SIZE=+1]Thread Management Rules[/SIZE]
Posts that have been archived from this thread are available here:
Posts are archived according to the following rules:

  • Posts that have received a response from the Bossland GmbH staff are archived.
    Do not assume that because your post was archived, it means we don't care.
    We are simply keeping this thread clean.
  • This thread is for confirmed HBcore bug reports only.
    You should have tried to resolve your problem using the Support forum, first.
    If the Support forum can't resolve your issue, they will ask that you report the problem here.
  • We will only look into bugs reported against the version of Honorbuddy represented by this thread.
    Bugs reported against any other Honorbuddy releases (including Betas) will be archived immediately without comment.
  • Bug reports without FULL, unedited logs attached will be immediately archived without comment.
  • Either report bugs properly, or do not report them at all.
    We cannot look into bugs that have little to no information.
    Bugs reported in such a fashion will be immediately archived without comment.
  • If you wish to submit a feature request to this thread, please make certain it is not already covered.
  • This is not a discussion thread.
    If you derail this thread, you will be muted for up to 30 days. No questions.
  • Archiving may not be immediate, but occur every few days.

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Reports without logs are not actionable...

ProfessionBuddy still doesnt work. Screen freezes while using ProfessionBuddy with AH profiles.
Gatherbuddy --> mounts keep dissapearing from settings. After restarting it works for a few minuts till it dissapears again which after the char stands still and nothing happens (no mounts in settings).

Hi, all,

As clearly stated in the Thread Management Rules (first post)...
Please attach a full log that illustrates the issue, if you would like the problem investigated.

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Thanks! Link repaired.


The link to the Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Package Update 1 (x86) from Official Microsoft Download Center in the OP's "Requirement" section isn't working any longer.
In the meantime, there's an Update 3 (x86) available that has replaced Update 1.

Here's the new link:

Can you please tell the team to update BuddyWizard too?

Thank you! ;)
Hi, Corleone, and thank you for this!

We've updated the link in the first post. We've opened a report against BuddyWizard, but its deprecated so probably won't be updated. The team indicates each bot's installer should be downloading and installing the correct dependencies.

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HB-2881: Gatherbuddy2 is losing 'mount' settings

Hey matey,

I was editing my post with the log lol. you kinda locked me out there.

So again-->

Gatherbuddy --> mounts keep dissapearing from settings. After restarting it works for a few minuts till it dissapears again which after the char stands still and nothing happens (no mounts in settings) (seems a caching problem?)
same here View attachment 204947 ( it will often mount again after 5 min idling if you let it running )
Hi, all, and thank you for the logs.

We've opened HB-2881("Gatherbuddy2 is losing 'mount' settings") against this issue. It is also in the Known Issues list in the first post.

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Problem with user installation, not an Honorbuddy bug...

I apologize if this is an easy fix but I cannot get my buddy to get past this in the login. I am 100% new to this all together. When I login this is all that appears in the box and none of the buttons are clickable at all. Not sure how to fix this.

Honorbuddy v2.6.15589.833 started.
Logging in...
T: 5247737801080016623 H: 3409936571
Attaching to D3D9
Attached to WoW with ID 2016
Hi, Ngraves01, and welcome aboard!

Your issue is a problem with your installation, and not Honorbuddy itself. Please open a new thread in the Support forum with your problem, and the full log that illustrates it.

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HB-2882: Singular melee steps 'too close' to the mob, causing the mob to move back...

Issue with combat routines, constant stepping towards (pushing) mobs - (edit) sorry, thought I would try and make this clearer, the routine is making my toon step towards the mob which in turn makes the mob walk back; that is what I mean by pushing. I have reproduced this on multiple toons using different bots (questing and combat) and when fighting mobs my toon keeps pushing them back virtually every hit. I am trying to trap right now so this is a nightmare for the task at hand but it also pushes mobs into other mobs causing more aggro than the initial encounter.

I have a few logs showing the problem but I will just attach the latest, it seems to show the pushing clearly and it seems to be associated with repeated "stuck" events.

View attachment 204955
Hi, BuzzardHB, and many thanks for the log.

Against this issue, we've opened HB-2882("Singular melee steps 'too close' to the mob, causing the mob to move back... rinse & repeat this dance"). You might try to disable the streaming of other Combat Routines from the Buddy Store. It is possible they could be causing interference when they are initialized (even though they are not used).

If no joy, you may need to switch to a ranged toon until the problem is resolved.

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HB-2883: Singular Druid is not using appropriate AoE attacks..

thx, druid feral still don't aoe when the pack is big the 5 mobs, he use thrash , but never swipe or thrash big packs.
still using routine from build 829 for normal aoe damage:)
In 833 he randomly aoe 1 pack aoe another no:(
View attachment 204934
Hi, Hellbeast, and many thanks for the log.

We've captured this issue in HB-2883("Singular Druid is not using appropriate AoE attacks when engaging multiple mobs..."). We know of no work-around for it at the moment.

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Broken Garrison API is already on the "Known Issues" list...

Just tried to do my garrison work on the horde side and the bot loads but once I click start seems to start but nothing happens and the Start button still shows start. I have used garrisonbuddy on this toon before and I have restarted HB more than once to try and fix the problem.

View attachment 204960

I just tried to run an Alliance toon through his garrison work and see the same symptoms. I restarted HB a few times and even restarted WoW and tried again.

View attachment 204961
Hi, BuzzardHB, and thanks for the log!

On the "Known Issues" list in the first post of this thread, you will see that we know that a large chunk of the Garrison API is not working at the moment.


[UPDATED 26-Jul-2016 by chinajade]:
I tried disabling all of my other streamed combat routines as you suggested and then tried again; same result.\
View attachment 204963
(thanks for the feedback)
Thanks for the follow-up. We've attached this additional information to the bug report.

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Need logs, if you would like issue investigated...

Thanks for the fix on the LOS issue. Not sure if it was specific to the TargetAndMoveTo quest behavior or a general buddy issue, but with a profile that only used the function, they used to drop a target if someone else had it targeted. This is no longer the case and often leads to packs of bots following the same path to the same mob over and over with one that gets the kill then they all continue on to the next nearest. Also they do not loot sometimes. Would you want a log from a pack of bots? Or is it something you recognize? Any help is greatly appreciated.
Hi, Fordo,

As always, if you want the issue investigated, we'll need the full log attached, and a clear description of precisely what the problem is.

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HB-2884: Singular FPS drops when Rogue is stealthed...

I get horrible frame drops whenever my rogue goes into stealth, out of stealth FPS stabilizes.

View attachment 204946
Hi, Signex, and thanks for the log!

The log does not reflect FPS drops. Are you certain this is the correct log?

Nevertheless, we've opened HB-2884("Singular FPS drops when Rogue is stealthed...") to have the issue investigated.

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Problem appears to be a bad profile, not an Honorbuddy bug...

Ok i got HB to attach and run but my character will not move. it will attack and loot but will not go anywhere.
View attachment 204962
Hi, Ngraves01, and thanks for the log.

This appears to be problems with the profiles you are running. You started with the Questing bot and one profile, and switched to the Grindbot with another profile. We're not familiar with any of these third-party profiles you are running.

Please open a new thread in the Support forum, and attach the log that fails AND the profile you are trying to run. The problem you are having appears to be a usage issue, and not a problem with Honorbuddy.

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Partial logs are useless...

Select ProfessionBuddy > AHbot. After 30 seconds WoW window freezes and all finishes on this. AHbot doesnt search items and place them on AH, only freezes WoW window.
Hi, Marielly,

Partial logs are not actionable, and useless for analysis. But, there's a good chance your problem is HB-2885 on the "Known Issues" list.

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I write this message, because I have problems with the quest bot.
When I play with my characters and start the quest bot, my character goes to missions, up here all right, the problem comes when it arrives at the area of the mission, it is dedicated only to spin at the mission area instead of ending the mission. the character does not attack the objectives and not just the missions, is dedicated only to spin in the area of the mission

Thank you.


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