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Honorbuddy v2.5.13471.782

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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2010

Honorbuddy v2.5.13471.782

New features:
  * Profile
    - Mail and Sell properties of a profile can now be overriden in the settings window for each character individually (HB-2162)

Bug fixes:
  * Flightor
    - Can now be used in Vashj'ir without underwater mounts. It used to throw exceptions when the toon didn't have any mounts. (HB-1968)

  * Gatherbuddy
    - Fixed a bug where it kept mounting and dismounting continuously during a guild vault run (HB-1033)

    - Should no longer trigger anti stuck behavior while reaching nodes when Framelock is disabled (HB-1146)

  * ProfessionBuddy
    - CancelAuction is now faster (HB-1423)

    - The professionbuddy log now makes it clear that it's loading tradekill recipes.  (HB-1460)

    - Fixed a bug that caused BuyItemFromAhAction to either not bid or re-bid on items that toon is already highest bidder.  (HB-1513)

    - MailItemAction will now properly handle splitting items before mailing them (HB-1761)

[SIZE=+1]Reporting Bugs[/SIZE]
Please report confirmed HBcore bugs to THIS thread!
When reporting a bug, please include your full log file (found in your bot folder under the "Logs" directory, sort by creation date to find it easier), a full and detailed explanation of the bug, as well as any screenshots or profiles that may be useful in tracking down the bug.
Here are other threads where it may be appropriate to report your problem, instead of here:

[SIZE=+1]Now requires Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable Package (x86).[/SIZE][SIZE=+1][/SIZE]

Honorbuddy: Installer (recommended) / Zip

Honorbuddy Deutsche Version: Installer (recommended) / Zip
→ For German users, this Honorbuddy client must be used—the other Honorbuddy version(s) will not work for you.
Ref: Honorbuddy Deutsche Version - Pressemitteilung

The Buddy Dependency Wizard will install these requirements for you, if needed.
Of course, you are welcome to install them manually if so inclined.

[SIZE=+1]Thread Management Rules[/SIZE]
Posts that have been archived from this thread are available here:
Posts are archived according to the following rules:

  • Posts that have received a response from the Bossland GmbH staff are archived.
    Do not assume that because your post was archived, it means we don't care.
    We are simply keeping this thread clean.
  • This thread is for confirmed HBcore bug reports only.
    You should have tried to resolve your problem using the Support forum, first.
    If the Support forum can't resolve your issue, they will ask that you report the problem here.
  • We will only look into bugs reported against the version of Honorbuddy represented by this thread.
    Bugs reported against any other Honorbuddy releases (including Betas) will be archived immediately without comment.
  • Bug reports without FULL, unedited logs attached will be immediately archived without comment.
  • Either report bugs properly, or do not report them at all.
    We cannot look into bugs that have little to no information.
    Bugs reported in such a fashion will be immediately archived without comment.
  • If you wish to submit a feature request to this thread, please make certain it is not already covered.
  • This is not a discussion thread.
    If you derail this thread, you will be muted for up to 30 days. No questions.
  • Archiving may not be immediate, but occur every few days.

Issues & Dispositions

[SIZE=+1]Open Issues[/SIZE]
This list represents reports that will be of interest to the general user Community. It is approximately 25% of our open feature request / bug repair workload. The unlisted reports are future considerations, internal concerns, or of concern to a very small audience.

  • HB-30: Allow the user to change routines without restart
  • HB-456: HB will not defend itself against Hostile Players in PvE
  • HB-708: Provide functionally that helps improve aiming when in a ballistic vehicle.
  • HB-750: AutoEquip is not considering socket bonuses on gear
  • HB-956: Alliance Warsong running a circle at the beginning
  • HB-1030: Making a "Session ID" available in log and via HB API, so user's know which BuddyAuth session to kill
  • HB-1039: Nav-Problems WOD -Zones flexible Buildings & outposts that need to be conquered
  • HB-1069: An option in Honorbuddy to completely disable store streaming?
  • HB-1086: Honorbuddy Load Profile -> From Buddy Store needs to filter profile list by currently selected bot
  • HB-1145: CannonControl: Need ability to specify MinHeading / MaxHeading
  • HB-1180: Decouple explicitly initiated selling and mailing?
  • HB-1219: IsAchievementCompleted() returning wrong results if another toon on the account has already completed the achievement
  • HB-1331: MyCTM fails to move if only "Z" value changes, causing profile termination
  • HB-1400: Archeologybuddy Terrace of Gurthan Digsite
  • HB-1452: Honorbuddy having problems identifying mobs for Kill-form of Objective
  • HB-1455: Accommodate gear specializations for Auction cancels and posting?
  • HB-1468: Add a new "mail at XXX interval" timer to Gatherbuddy?
  • HB-1507: Honorbuddy needs to explicitly close dialog after learning flightpoints
  • HB-1509: Can ProfessionBuddy emit profile 'line numbers'?
  • HB-1514: ObjectManager does not see targets while mounted on Vehicle
  • HB-1525: HB should prefer the Sea Turtle mount when swimming
  • HB-1549: ArchaeologyBuddy having problems surveyingat Setthek Hollow North digsite
  • HB-1556: CanCast() always returns true for Paladin's Exorcism
  • HB-1558: API support for Garrison dailies (need NPCs access)
  • HB-1592: Not skinning every mob
  • HB-1615: Collect-form of <Objective> does not consider 'shared credit' mobs
  • HB-1628: Problems with "Insanity" override for Priests
  • HB-1629: AutoEquip will equip Tournement Gear, which is only valid in War Games
  • HB-1631: Harvest timber with Gatherbuddy?
  • HB-1639: DungeonBuddy fails to corpse run Azjol-Nerub
  • HB-1642: Need User Settings for "Harvest Timber" and "Harvest Vines"
  • HB-1648: ProfessionBuddy: Add Ultimate Gnomish Army Knife to toolbox
  • HB-1658: Use Flying Mounts as Ground Mounts (at least in Draenor)?
  • HB-1659: DungeonBuddy uses Hearthstone even though toon is already at the correct place
  • HB-1680: "Disable all" streaming for My Puchases in the Buddy Store.
  • HB-1687: ArchaeologyBuddy to use Draenor Archaeologist's Lodestone?
  • HB-1691: ForceSetVendor behavior DoMail issues
  • HB-1695: Make Spell charges available via Honorbuddy API?
  • HB-1701: Terrace of Gurthan Digsite: ArchaeologyBuddy doesn't progress
  • HB-1719: Me.Glyphs and Me.GetGlyph() not returning valid information?
  • HB-1724: Honorbuddy movement fails to go through doors that require 'cast times' to open
  • HB-1749: DungeonBuddy: Blackrock Caverns: Unable to find way back into dungeon after doing Vendor run
  • HB-1754: DevTools to show AreaTriggers, WoWMissle, and DynamicObject in a tabs?
  • HB-1757: AutoEquip: Special considerations for Battlegrounds?
  • HB-1760: ProfessionBuddy: Ignore gear specializations for posting on AuctionHouse?
  • HB-1767: Stay mounted while using Gatherbuddy2?
  • HB-1768: SpellLocation: New mode to move into Range and click at feet of nearest MobId?
  • HB-1772: Gatherbuddy to support UsableWhen attribute in Vendor and Mailbox entries?
  • HB-1793: BgBuddy doesn't always stop moving after leaving a battlefield causing various mishaps...
  • HB-1801: Hi Archy; don't stand in the fire!
  • HB-1804: Shifting out of Moonkin form to mount is no longer necessary
  • HB-1808: Molten Core, bot swimming in the lava
  • HB-1817: ArchaeologyBuddy: Unable to blacklist Draenor digsites?
  • HB-1834: DungeonBuddy: Support for Blackrock Foundry LFR
  • HB-1856: HB API to provide WoWItem.IsCraftingReagent?
  • HB-1863: Talented is not selecting a level 100 talent
  • HB-1880: HB doesn't learn the Socretar's Rise Flight Path
  • HB-1889: Axefall in Spires of Arak is a Horde base
  • HB-1892: Archaeologybuddy does not allow 'Solve settings' for Draenor-specific options
  • HB-1895: BuyItem core function does not function for items with higher quantities
  • HB-1908: Developer Tool fails to generate NPC Names and Ids
  • HB-1942: Zigzaging in BGBuddy
  • HB-1949: InteractWith: Need to support buying with alternate currencies
  • HB-1951: Problem trying to fly in Orgrimmar's Cleft of Shadow
  • HB-2017: DungeonBuddy: Skyreach (heroic): Rukhran encounter: DPS allowing Solar Flares to get out of hand
  • HB-2033: HB is unable to use flightmasters since 6.1
  • HB-2057: Mounts issue for Druids after introduction of "Travel Form"
  • HB-2058: Tree roots in Gorgond causing Navigation issues
  • HB-2081: Melee toons dismount too early at the pull
  • HB-2089: Honorbuddy UI occasionally hangs
  • HB-2095: DungeonBuddy: Provide a setting for use (or not) of Augmented Runes?
  • HB-2096: DungeonBuddy: Shado Pan Monastery (heroic): Rogue always get stuck at Sealed Chamber door
  • HB-2097: DungeonBuddy: Highmaul: Tanking issues
  • HB-2098: DungeonBuddy: Highmaul: Support alternate group pathing from Butcher to Tectus?
  • HB-2118: DungeonBuddy: Potential improvements about the execution of Highmaul
  • HB-2125: FishingBuddy: Options to enable/disable FilletFish and use of baits?
  • HB-2126: Grimrail Depot: DungeonBuddy appears to be disabling 'facing' for melee toons at inappropriate times
  • HB-2137: MerchantFrame.BuyItem() fails for Conquest and Honor-point currencies
  • HB-2210: Bot kiting grey mobs, ignoring combat

[SIZE=+1]Cannot reproduce[/SIZE]
Bugs marked as "cannot reproduce" are usually due to problems with your particular Honorbuddy installation. For instance, third-party products that are not working correctly—you should disable Buddy Store streaming for all products. Another cause is interference from external programs or addons. Your best way to recovering from this always starts with a clean install.
If you continue to experience problems after conducting a 'clean install', and disabling the streaming of all products from the Buddy Store, you should seek help in the Support forum with your log that captures the issue.

  • HB-1413: Honorbuddy randomly changing equipment
    "We see no indication that AutoEquip is equipping anything, and the log gives nothing away. Consider a clean HB and WoW install without plugins and addons and try to see if it's still reproducible - if it is, we need more information (which items are equipped, when does it happen etc.)."
  • HB-1639: DB fails to corpse run Azjol-Nerub
    "Tried multiple times to reproduce with no luck. Log shows that LevelBot.DeathBehavior was trying to retrieve corpse, not Dungeonbuddy. This can happen when LocalPlayer.CorspeMap returns -1 or no dungeon script is found for the map id return by CorpseMap. This could have been caused by a bad offset that has since been corrected."
  • HB-1693: Honorbuddy stalls out at Quest PickUp
    "We have run several toons through this quest chain, and had no luck at reproducing this. Closing for now—please reopen if problem encountered again."

[SIZE=+1]Not a Bug / Won't fix / Overcome by Events[/SIZE]
[size=-2][Items in DarkBlue are API changes of interest mostly to developers.][/size]
  • HB-108: Seasonal items cause dangerous problems with mailing
    "No log, so unable to analyze issue. Many changes have been made to the mailing system since this report was written, so we must assume the roblem has been overcome by events."
  • HB-2149: Kick's profile running against a closed gate
    "This is an edge case where the profile is redundant as the toon hits level 90 in Valley of the Four Winds. Closing."
  • HB-2159: Incongruent results between CanCast() and the GCD
    "The default args for CanCast uses true for accountForLagTolerance. Thats intended behavior to allow up spell queueing. There is really no documentation needed for that as it is pretty easy to see how that works by looking at overloads of CanCast"
  • HB-2165: Kick's Classic 12-58 H (3897): "Management Material" broken
    "Tested several times, and works fine. Most likely fixed by HB-2167's repair to EscortGroup."
  • HB-2213: Kick's Classic 12-58 H (6056): Hunting Grounds for "Testing the Vessel" is too small
    "Will not repair.
    Extending the hunting area requires passing through the Grimtotem village, the Ogre camp, and an Alliance base and most of the travel will be along roads and a bridge. Existing hotspots will eventually complete while the extended set are a death trap."


[SIZE=+1]Bugs in danger of being discarded due to lack of input[/SIZE]
  • HB-2156: DungoenBuddy: Confusion about presence of group members
    "We believe the followers don't have 'LeaderName' in Dungeonbuddy settings assigned to the leader's name, and this is what is causing them to leave the group. This subsequently also causes the leader to also leave. We will need to see a log from one of the followers to verify.
    Unless evidence is presented that proves otherwise, We must assume the user did not setup the followers correctly by setting the 'LeaderName' setting in Dungeonbuddy settings"

[SIZE=+1]Already repaired for next drop[/SIZE]
[size=-2][Items in DarkBlue are API changes of interest mostly to developers.][/size]
  • HB-38: Add Profile Settings window to gui
    "The new Buddy Control Panel plugin allows a user to override the profile settings for MailX, SellX, and IgnoreCheckpoints."
  • HB-490: A minimalist Honorbuddy interface
    "The new Buddy Control Panel plugin provides a minimalist Honorbuddy interface, available from within the Game client itself."
  • HB-832: Keyboard shortcut for HB pause/resume available from WoWclient window?
    "The new Buddy Control Panel plugin allows for keyboard shortcuts within the Game client to be associated with the pause/resume and stop/start functionality of Honorbuddy."
  • HB-1075: Inability to tune profile's mail/sell settings & IgnoreCheckpoints when streamed from BuddyStore
    "MailX, SellX, and IgnoreCheckpoints can now be set through Settings using the profile overrides feature"
  • HB-1107: WoD HB API: Need Garrison API for WoD build
    "Garrison API has been wrapped inside the Styx.WoWInternals.Garrison namespace."
  • HB-1236: Separate pause, play, and stop buttons?
    "The new Buddy Control Panel plugin presents distinct Pause, Play, and Stop buttons to the user from within the Game client itself."
  • HB-1515: Razorfen Kraul: Pulls hostile mob group while trying to turn in Spirit of Agamaggan
    "Razorfen Kraul: Bot no-longer pulls hostile mob group while trying to turn in Spirit of Agamaggan"
  • HB-1623: Honorbuddy spamming "Moving to" messages
    "Honorbuddy no-longer spams log when waiting for elevator"
  • HB-1624: Dungeonbuddy: Stonecore: Problem with vendor
    "Added Horde and Alliance vendors to the Stonecore profile."
  • HB-1630: KillUntilComplete does not loot mobs
    "KillUntilComplete.ImmediatelySwitchToHighestPriorityTarget now only effects targeting when in combat. Before this change, it would prevent bot from looting"
  • HB-1797: Protection Warriors don't use ranged Pull
    "Protection warriors should now use ranged pulls once again.
  • HB-1805: HB gets Interact hand and can't turnin Quests
    "Addressed an issue with turning in quests"
  • HB-1935: Reporting remaining time left on totems?
    "WoWTotemInfo now has a TimeLeft property that calculates the time remaining on the totem."
  • HB-2079: Honorbuddy's use of mobile repair vendor sends it into an infinite loop
    "Fixed a repair vendor mount use infinite loop."
  • HB-2107: DungeonBuddy: Shadowmoon Burial Grounds - not making jumps to lower level
    "Added an off-mesh connection at the hole to the side of the path leading to right at the Shadowmoon Burial Grounds entance."
  • HB-2144: FishingBuddy not applying Worm Supreme to fishing poles
    "Only the best lure is now applied to fishing pole."
  • HB-2150: Protected Items update for .780
    "Protected Items updates: Swiftness Potion, Thermal Anvil"
  • HB-2153: Kick's profile taking no action and Hb spams log file, Gormaul Tower quest
    "Fixed. Problem were bug fixes not being pushed to the Store."
  • HB-2154: Lazyraider should not be printing anything to the Bliz chat window?
    "LazyRaider 2.0.19 now writes to game overlay instead of chat window on Pause key press. See Bot Config settings for new options"
  • HB-2158: InteractWith: Pursuing non-defined targets and throwing exceptions
    "The 'Unknown' entry is just a display bug. PursuitListType.GetNames() no-longer returns incorrect values."
  • HB-2164: Mesh Issue in Gordal Fortress Talador
    "Fixed a mesh issue at Gordal Fortress, Talador that caused toon to run into a wall, like Forrest Gump."
  • HB-2166: Kick's Classic 12-58 H (3973): "To the Rescue!" broken
    "Proper gossip option is now selcted to complete "To the Rescue""
  • HB-2167: Kick's Classic 12-58 H (4333): "Vorsha the Lasher" broken
    "EscortGroup will once again terminate once the behavior completes."
  • HB-2168: Kick's Classic 12-58 H (6282): "Taerar's Fall" broken
    "Repaired by ignoring other players in competition for the same mob."
  • HB-2169: Kick's Classic 12-58 H (8752): "The Fledgling Collosus" broken
    "Honorbuddy should now succeed in completing The Fledgling Collosus quest with Kick's profile"
  • HB-2170: Kick's BC 58-70 H (2946): "A Spirit Guide" broken
    "Repaired by HB-2167's fix to EscortGroup behavior."
  • HB-2172: Kick's LK 68-80 H (6777): "Conversing with the Depths" broken
    "Toon should now correctly interact with The Pearl of the Depths."
  • HB-2173: Kick's LK 68-80 H (11969): "Once More Unto the Breach" broken for Deathknights
    "Deathknights will now look for and accept the alternate quest by the same name that is exclusive to that class."
  • HB-2177: Kick's Tauren 1-5 (end of profile): Taurens taking dangerous land route from Mulgore to Durator due to lack of money
    "Adding Name="Swoop Hunting" QuestId="761" and "Poison Water" QuestId="20440" in order to get to the required gold threshold."
  • HB-2178: Honorbuddy missing Korean translation
    "Korean and Turkish translations should be working properly now"
  • HB-2183: Dumphry being detected as Vendor
    "Blacksmithing trainer Dumphry should no longer be used as a vendor."
  • HB-2191: DungeonBuddy: Blackfathom Deeps: Vascillating movement in trying to move to Guardian of the Deep
    "Blackfathom Deeps: Fixed a navigation issue that occurred while navigating towards Guardian of the Deep."
  • HB-2192: DungeonBuddy: Shadowmoon Burial Grounds: Infinite looping adding and removing blackspots on Nhallish trash groups
    "Shadowmoon Burial Grounds: Fixed an issue that caused tank to get stuck at Nhallish. "
  • HB-2193: Kick's BC 58-70 H (7142): "Krasus's Compendium" broken
    "Changed to use InteractWith."
  • HB-2201: Kick's Gorgrond 92-94 (1620-ish): "Dropping in" broken due to failure to use portal
    "Fixed yet again. Worst quest in WoD"
  • HB-2203: Incomplete Mesh in Firelands
    "Rebuilt the Firelands navigation mesh and added some tiles that were missing."
  • HB-2204: Kick's Classic 12-58 H (6447): "Butcherbot" taking far too long to complete
    "Added hotspots. Here is the spawn area for alive basiliscs - note that its much smaller than the area on wowhead.
    The problem is inherent in the quest mob. There are vast numbers of Glasshide Basilisk - NPC - World of Warcraft but they are already dead in game and the quest requires you find living ones and kill them. The spawn area is tiny and half of it is water where they don't spawn. If there are 2 or 3 bots, it takes forever. I have redone the hotspots in an effort to get more points around edge of the circle but this will always be a bad quest for us."
  • HB-2205: Default Weighting TargetFilter is inappropriately removing targets
    "Fixed an issue where elite mobs would be wrongly removed from targeting in certain situations."
  • HB-2217: GarrisonBuddy: New Honorbuddy-provided bot
    "Added Garrisonbuddy! The official Garrison bot from the Buddy Team"
  • HB-2218: GarrisonBuddy tries to apply armor/weapon upgrades to followers deployed on missions
    "Fixed an issue where Garrisonbuddy would try to upgrade followers who were in invalid states. (On missions, Inactive, etc)."
  • HB-2223: Buddy Control Panel: New Honorbuddy-provided plugin
    "Honorbuddy ships with a new Plugin, the Buddy Control Panel. This plugin provides access to Honorbuddy from within the game-client window. Stop, Start, and Pause buttons are provided which can be assign Hotkeys. Using the right-click Context Menu, you have access to all existing of Honorbuddy functionality, and a few more features. There is also a built-in set of Help menus to quickly take you to the appropriate locations that can help you solve problems."

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[SIZE=+1]Post dispositions[/SIZE]
These posts have been archived for the reasons stated here.

Problem should be resolved in the Support forum
Frequently, your problem can be resolved with a 'clean install', and turning off the use of all third-party products—including all products from the Buddy Store. There is a strong chance the repair for your issue resides in the HelpDesk. However, if you are unable to resolve the problem using these resources, then by all means make a new post in the Support forum. And please, don't forget to attach your full, unedited log that captures the issue

Problem should be resolved by contacting the developer of the third-party product
Using third-party products that have not been updated
Once again, we draw your attention to the bright red letters in the first post that are easy to overlook

Missing critical information (logs, screenshots, etc.)
Your post may also be archived "without comment" for this reason. The posts listed here made an effort to report the problem, but the information provided was insufficient to create a bug report (e.g., wrong log, partial log, screenshot needed, etc)

Didn't check the "Known Issues" list

Log is not against the current release
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Gotten a couple freezes of wow with this update. Have to kill wow process to exit.
They all reference this.
GreyMagic.InjectionDesyncException: Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync: Injection Finished Event was never fired.

Here's log from the latest freeze.
Hi, Tomten2,

Looked through your log, and its simply a GreyMagic error. These errors are usually caused by installation issues, or an interfering program (perhaps your Antivirus received an update that is causing the new problem).

We'd recommend a reboot to get started. And, if the problem continues take this to the Support forum, please.

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