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Auth Session is invalid


New Member
Dec 16, 2011
Problems continue. Bot shuts down with no warning.

Before I'm asked, let me answer...

- Already power cycled router (many times).
- Already flushed DNS (many times).
- No, not on wireless network.
- Completely disabled firewall & anti-virus, still shuts down.

My net connection is rock solid. Stays right at 35ms connected to WoW without wavering.

As I'm not the only one with this continued issue, what is being looked at on your end? Without being familiar with your auth server, is there any code that needs to be tweeked so that our HB doesn't shut down?

It's sad I have had to resort to using HBRelog to keep restarting HB while I'm at the keyboard.

Please look into this.



are you ok now?

No, it's not ok...thanks for asking though!

I'll state this again, this isn't an issue on my end. My connection is just fine. This obviously is an issue with your auth servers and/or coding. The amount of people now reporting this issue should indicate that.

So having said, please...again...check into things on your end.



One final time..

Completely reinstalled HB. Completely reinstalled my CR. Completely shut down my firewall and anti-virus.

Here is the result:


Ok, I have reached my breaking point with HonorBuddy at this point.

Here are the following cut-and-paste responses to this continued problem not only myself, but everyone else that has reported this problem has received:

"Auth session invalid usually stems from network connection issues between you and the buddyauth servers. make sure your not running any applications or anything that could be bogging down your connection or causing issues."

"flush your dns"

"any antivirus enabled? are you on a wireless network? where are you from? "

"power cycle your router"

"make sure port 5031 is open on your home router and software firewall solution."

Now I obviously cannot speak for everyone, but I've personally tried every solution suggested by the mods here. And many I've tried dozens of times. All...every single one..has been ineffective in fixing this. I've gone so far as to completely shut down my PC/router firewall, disabled my antivirus, reinstalled HB, tried different internet connections, and different CPUs. In the end, all the same. In my initial reporting of this issue on November 20th, I was told by one mod the issue is not on our end. our servers have been working perfectly, and if there was issues there would be alot more then 2 threads (including this one) having this issue. when issues happen that are on our end you'll see at least 20+ threads about the issue. So let me do a quick poll if there is anymore than 2 reporting this issue:

- https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/honorbuddy-support/191350-hb-crash-20-30-minute.html
- https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/honorbuddy-support/192764-auth-session-invalid.html
- https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/honorbuddy-support/192757-session-invalid.html
- https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honor...t/192747-getting-invalid-session-minutes.html
- https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honor...port/190757-honorbuddy-shutting-crashing.html
- https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/honorbuddy-support/192481-invalid-session.html
- https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honor...bot-stopping-reason-auth-session-invalid.html
- https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/honorbuddy-support/192692-hb-stops-randomly.html
- https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/honorbuddy-support/192475-hb-shutting-15-20-mins.html
- https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/honorbuddy-support/192651-hb-session-invalid.html

Want me to keep going? That's just what I've found in the past 24 hours.

I'll say this again...there is nothing wrong with my internet connection. Nothing on my end that's shutting HB down. Please stop trying to convince me (and all the others here) that this issue is on our end. It's not. Quit telling us to bend over backwards to get your auth servers to work.

Finally, what irritates me the most is that I've supported HB, and the community here, with my wallet for years now. I personally have 3 HB lifetime licenses, and have spent hundreds of dollars supporting other developers of CR's and plugins. And at this point, it's a waste. If I (and many, many others) cannot run HB as advertised and promised, do we need to take our support (and dollars/euros) elsewhere? I really don't want to do that. But if I get another cut-and-paste response to issues preventing me from utilizing HB, then I may be forced to do that.

With all due respect....please fix the issue with your auth servers.


Please start the bot, and give it a minute or two (our servers are being heavily DDoS'd right now, so responses from the servers may be slow).

If it still doesn't load up fully, please upload the log file it generated (it will always generate a log, detailing info we need to find out the issue).

there you go. we're doing what we can but we cant stop people being jerks.
@MoMedic; please see the following for steps to verify it's nothing on your end: BosslandGmbH:HelpDesk:'Authentication Failed' errors - The Buddy Wiki (Specifically: To Remedy a non-specific Authentication Failed)

If none of this solves the issue, unfortunately you may just have to "wait it out". The current DDoS is throwing our servers for a spin (even on 1gbps lines, they're getting clogged).

While you do the things listed in the wiki article, could you also get me some additional information:

Open a command prompt and type "ping eu1.auth.buddyauth.com" then press enter. (Attach/upload a screenshot)

Again in the command prompt, type: "pathping eu1.auth.buddyauth.com" and press ender. (Attach/upload that screenshot as well)

This will print some routing information, as well as ping times through the network hops to our server. (This will help us figure out if you're just not connecting to our servers consistently, or something else may be going wrong)

Edit: Sorry, I'm quite tired and my brain isn't functioning as well as it should. Please do the ping and pathping commands, when HB reports an invalid session (as soon as possible after the error). It seems to me that you are logging in just fine, but eventually get booted. (This is when a network issue may crop up, from intermittent connection issues)
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Thanks CNG & Apoc....I'll follow those suggestions tomorrow and report back what I find.
@Apoc & @MaiN,

The problems myself and obviously many other people are having with this invalid session shutdown continue.

I've attached 2 text files, a ping and a pathping as requested by Apoc, both done within 30 seconds of one of the latest HB shutdowns. Neither show any problems from my end. I've also run a continuous .bat script pinging the auth server as requested by MaiN in the HB Release thread and it has not shown any errors before, during, and after my HB shutting down from the invalid session error.

So as I continue to see these shutdowns, any other suggestions or advice? HB is completely non-afk'able at this point, unless using HBRelog/ARelog to reconnect. And that's a PITA.

Also, would it not be easier to officially acknowledge this is an issue, seeing the amount of people that are reporting this daily?


@Apoc & @MaiN,

The problems myself and obviously many other people are having with this invalid session shutdown continue.

I've attached 2 text files, a ping and a pathping as requested by Apoc, both done within 30 seconds of one of the latest HB shutdowns. Neither show any problems from my end. I've also run a continuous .bat script pinging the auth server as requested by MaiN in the HB Release thread and it has not shown any errors before, during, and after my HB shutting down from the invalid session error.

So as I continue to see these shutdowns, any other suggestions or advice? HB is completely non-afk'able at this point, unless using HBRelog/ARelog to reconnect. And that's a PITA.

Also, would it not be easier to officially acknowledge this is an issue, seeing the amount of people that are reporting this daily?

That pathping is not even making it past your local network.