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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Bug Reports--DO NOT DELETE!

Date the bug occurred
11-04-2014 07:30 approx

What version of Honorbuddy are you using?
Latest version as of 10-04-2014 (not sure of the number)

Character Information (Class, Level, Race, Spec)
Druid, 90, Tauren, Feral

Please explain, in as much detail as possible, what the bug is.
HB asked to update, of course I said yes.

What happens instead?
Gave me an error message and told me to report it.

What is the expected result when the bot functions correctly?
It updates HB :)

Please provide any additional, applicable information, if you have any.
Updated my Windows 8.1 to Windows 8.1 Update 1 yesterday. Might be related :)

Please attach a log for this bug report.
Didn't get one.

Attach a screenshot, if applicable, to help us find the bug.
Screenshot attached
HB update fail.webp

I hope this is the right place to report this :)
I wanna note that HB worked fine when I tried the second time. Then it asked if it could know what my OS is, I said yes and it worked.
Hey guys! We are having issues with Dungeonbuddy, we are leveling 5 character at the same time bots are running on the 3 dps, i'am playing on tank and the healer is one of my friend. The 3 dps characters are not following the tanks, we my friend playing on the healer character, but if i'am going with random players, then it's working perfectly. I tried a lot different config, with the Leader names and Party memembers, but they only coming when i'am pulling a mob. The bot system is not writing anything, after he loaded in the dungeon profiles, the characters just standing. Any tips?
i'm having problems with the questing bot, does not matter the script or character. the bgbuddy and dungeon buddy work great.
Hey guys! We are having issues with Dungeonbuddy, we are leveling 5 character at the same time bots are running on the 3 dps, i'am playing on tank and the healer is one of my friend. The 3 dps characters are not following the tanks, we my friend playing on the healer character, but if i'am going with random players, then it's working perfectly. I tried a lot different config, with the Leader names and Party memembers, but they only coming when i'am pulling a mob. The bot system is not writing anything, after he loaded in the dungeon profiles, the characters just standing. Any tips?

Hi, Asda17,

Running a 5-man Dungeonbuddy team is no problem. What you are describing is not a problem with Honorbuddy. Please report the problem to the Dungeonbuddy thread. When you post, please be certain to attach a full log for one of the DPS toons that is failing to operate properly.

i'm having problems with the questing bot, does not matter the script or character. the bgbuddy and dungeon buddy work great.

Hi, Meashadow42691,

It sounds like there is something wrong with the way you're trying to use the bot, or perhaps a problem with your Honorbuddy installation itself. This is not an Honorbuddy bug.

Please open a new thread in the Support forum, and be certain to attach the full log that captures the issue.

I don't know if this has been reported yet, but even though I unchecked Auto Equip Honorbuddy keeps switchting gear. No auto equip related plugins installed.
I don't know if this has been reported yet, but even though I unchecked Auto Equip Honorbuddy keeps switchting gear. No auto equip related plugins installed.

Hi, Erxxlu,

You should go to the Support forum with this issue. They will need to see a full log that captures the issue.

We believe the problem to lie in your particular Honorbuddy installation, and is not a general Honorbuddy bug.

Date the bug occurred.
24-06-2014 at 07:18, [07:18:26.591 N] in the attached log.

What version of Honorbuddy are you using?

Character Information. (Class, Level, Race, Spec)
Deathknight, 90, Orc, Blood

Please explain, in as much detail as possible, what the bug is.
The automatic blacklisting feature doesn't seem to work at this particular place.
I've seen it work other places, but this place is always a hazzle.

What happens instead?
The bot just keeps moving back and forth in a small location until stopped/paused.

What is the expected result when the bot functions correctly?
It is supposed to blacklist any node it can't reach after 20 seconds and continue its profile.

Please provide any additional, applicable information, if you have any.
After ~ 2 minutes I paused the bot. See shortly after [07:18:26.591 N] in the attached log.
I manually went into the cave to mine the node.
Resumed bot and it continued as usual

Where it is on the map.

The two problematic mines inside the cave.

Mine 1 X="-408.7643" Y="-321.1583" Z="109.8353"

Mine 2 X="-377.8993" Y="-314.3017" Z="110.1686"


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Date the bug occurred.
24-06-2014 at 07:18, [07:18:26.591 N] in the attached log.

What version of Honorbuddy are you using?

Character Information. (Class, Level, Race, Spec)
Deathknight, 90, Orc, Blood

Please explain, in as much detail as possible, what the bug is.
The automatic blacklisting feature doesn't seem to work at this particular place.
I've seen it work other places, but this place is always a hazzle.

What happens instead?
The bot just keeps moving back and forth in a small location until stopped/paused.

What is the expected result when the bot functions correctly?
It is supposed to blacklist any node it can't reach after 20 seconds and continue its profile.

Please provide any additional, applicable information, if you have any.
After ~ 2 minutes I paused the bot. See shortly after [07:18:26.591 N] in the attached log.
I manually went into the cave to mine the node.
Resumed bot and it continued as usual

Where it is on the map.

The two problematic mines inside the cave.

Mine 1 X="-408.7643" Y="-321.1583" Z="109.8353"

Mine 2 X="-377.8993" Y="-314.3017" Z="110.1686"

Hi, Emmark,

Wish we could give out awards for spectacularly written bug reports! Indeed, Flightor (the flying navigator which is used by Gatherbuddy) still has issues with certain terrain configurations.

We've captured the full details of your issue into HB-968 ("Not blacklisting problematic nodes after 20 seconds").

Thank you so much for all these wonderful details, log, and screenshots!


[size=-2]Ref: Emmark's problem report w/log & screenshots[/size]
What version of Honorbuddy are you using?

Please explain, in as much detail as possible, what the bug is.
Just wanted to report a small bug - Calling TreeRoot.Stop() during a botbase's Initialize() or Start() causes HB to become unresponsive.
It doesn't actually seem to crash or even lock up (can still drag it around), it just seems to do nothing and buttons dont work. Similar to how HB locks up while its downloading mesh files (which should be another bug report probably).
Only option is to end task it via task manager.

Please explain any steps to reproduce this bug. If the bug is not reproducible, we may not be able to fix it.
public class blah: BotBase
public override void Start()
{ TreeRoot.Stop();
So today i unblacklisted all Kalimdor digsites to report all ArchaeologyBuddy issues. I'm using latest 744 build. So let's start. I will add only repeatable bugged points at the digsites, preventing to farm 24\7

Ethel Rethor
<Hotspot X="-314.6098" Y="2461.111" Z="23.62403" />
Bot can't climb to dig point, falls down and tries to climb again over and over.
View attachment 134143
View attachment 134144

Ruins of Lar'donir
<Hotspot X="5708.442" Y="-3006.013" Z="1559.431" />
Bot getting stuck near this coordinates. HB can't determine coordinates there, so i took coordinates near this point.
View attachment 134145

Ruins of Ravenwind (Ravenwind Digsite)
<Hotspot X="-2939.635" Y="2610.985" Z="67.98125" />
Again bot can't determine coordinates at that point and getting stuck there. Adding coordinates near this spot.

Kodo Graveyard.
<Hotspot X="-1416.302" Y="1829.306" Z="58.49746" />
Bot climbs up to the big skeleton, uses survey and gets stuck at the edge of a bone. I think bot needs to land under this bone, not on it.

p.s. I'm going to update this post and add some other AB stuck point's. Don't think i need to attach logs, bot just freezes and doing nothing in logs.
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Date: Thursday, July 3, 2014
Honorbuddy Version: v2.5.11034.745
Character Information: Level 24 Undead Frost Mage

Issue: The Traveler's Tundra Mammoth's vendoring procedure seems to have problems when there's a flight map frame present. The bot had just finished a quest and arrived at a new area, so it proceeded to update the flight paths at the flight master. It opened the flight master's frame and updated, then a ForceSetVendor wanted to sell so it gets on the Traveler's Tundra Mammoth with the Flight Map still open and proceeds to an error stating Drix Blackwrench doesn't offer a merchant frame, and verbally blacklists him repeatedly.

Expected Result
: Flight Map would close, or the Merchant Frame would close it, and it would proceed to vendor normally, or if all else use the vendors provided by the profile.

Reproduce: Interact with a flight master and start a profile directing the bot to sell. Mammoth should obviously be purchased.

Additional Information: I'm sure I saw this happen with a different frame somewhere in the Searing Gorge, but unfortunately I cannot remember or reproduce it at this time. Also, early in the log it shows I have quite a few addons enabled but they were disabled well before this event occurred, which is only relevant at the very end where I stopped it. I also wish there was a setting to disable this feature. You can sometimes add problematic vendors to profiles and it's hard to test them if they're never visited.

Log: View attachment 960 2014-07-03 00.26.txt
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Date the bug occurred.
2014/07/18 04:38 CET

What version of Honorbuddy are you using?

Character Information. (Class, Level, Race, Spec)
Priest, 76, worgen, disc

Please explain, in as much detail as possible, what the bug is.
skinning is turned on in options (even ninja skinning) but it seems that after killing mob and looting it when its time to decide if it should skin mob HB does not add +15 skinning worgens have or +10 skinning knife (i have both knife and worgen racial)
for example when its skinning would (barely with bonuses) enable him to skin something and its orange HB does not skin, but when i manually skin few more levels and he can skin even without bonuses he remembers to skin himself again

What happens instead?
The bot just does not skin if level needed to skin is not at least 10 - 15 less than his "buffed" skinning skill level

What is the expected result when the bot functions correctly?
the bot should take into account any skinning bonuses including skinning knife and worgen racial when deciding if it can skin mob

PS sorry that i couldnt deduce correctly if its not calculating skinning knife or worgen racial
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7/17/14 9:14

level 70 human windwalker monk

whenever the bot trys to use the gnimo vendor on the mammoth mount while being near a flight master

it opens the flight masters menu, and spams "Vendor doesn't offer merchant frame" over, and over, and over. until you manually select gnimo.

to open gnimo, vendor junk, and repair.

start the questing bot for northrend, and ( everytime for me) it will stall at the flight master just inside the first town.

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/100755955/New Text Document.txt ( log )

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/100755955/report.png ( picture)
What version of Honorbuddy are you using? If you are not using the latest version, please reproduce the bug on the latest release.
release and beta
Character Information (Class, Level, Race, Spec)
Please explain, in as much detail as possible, what the bug is. (The more detail, the better) If your report has no information, or we can't determine what you're talking about, the bug will be ignored. Please be concise with your report.

ObjectManager unable to read memory/returns invalid objects

[17:33:06.983 D] [rndbuddy silent] Exception thrown in crowdsoucer: Cannot read a descriptor on an invalid object.
[18:00:12.878 D] [rndbuddy silent] Exception thrown in crowdsoucer: Cannot call Location on an invalid object.
[18:00:12.887 D] [rndbuddy silent] Stracktrace:    at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject.EnsureValid(String funcName)
   at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject.get_Location()
   at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject.get_DistanceSqr()
   at rndbuddy.crowdsourcer.<get_nodes>b__1(WoWGameObject o) in c:\Users\user\Dropbox\Honorbuddy\Plugins\rndbuddy\crowdsourcer.cs:line 35
   at System.Linq.EnumerableSorter`2.ComputeKeys(TElement[] elements, Int32 count)
   at System.Linq.EnumerableSorter`1.Sort(TElement[] elements, Int32 count)
   at System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable`1.<GetEnumerator>d__0.MoveNext()
   at System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection)
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
   at rndbuddy.crowdsourcer.get_nodes() in c:\Users\user\Dropbox\Honorbuddy\Plugins\rndbuddy\crowdsourcer.cs:line 2
[18:15:03.597 D] [rndbuddy silent] Exception thrown in crowdsoucer: Cannot call IsIndoors on an invalid object.
[18:15:03.597 D] [rndbuddy silent] Stracktrace:    at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject.EnsureValid(String funcName)
   at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject.get_IsIndoors()
   at rndbuddy.crowdsourcer.get_nodes() in c:\Users\Christopher\Dropbox\Honorbuddy\Plugins\rndbuddy\crowdsourcer.cs:line 41

[18:13:53.841 D] [rndbuddy silent] Exception thrown in crowdsoucer: Only part of a ReadProcessMemory or WriteProcessMemory request was completed, at addr: 000001C0, Size: 4
[18:13:53.844 D] [rndbuddy silent] Stracktrace:    at GreyMagic.ExternalProcessMemory.ReadByteBuffer(IntPtr addr, Void* buffer, Int32 count)
   at GreyMagic.MemoryBase.Read[T](IntPtr addr)
   at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWGameObject.GetCachedInfo(GameObjectCacheEntry& inf)
   at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWGameObject.GetDataSlot(UInt32 dataSlot, Int32& value)
   at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWGameObject.()
   at Styx.Helpers.PerFrameCachedValue`1.get_Value()
   at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWGameObject.()
   at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWGameObject.get_LockType()
   at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWGameObject.get_IsHerb()
   at rndbuddy.crowdsourcer.<get_nodes>b__0(WoWGameObject o) in c:\Users\Christopher\Dropbox\Honorbuddy\Plugins\rndbuddy\crowdsourcer.cs:line 28
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereListIterator`1.MoveNext()
   at System.Linq.Buffer`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 source)
   at System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable`1.<GetEnumerator>d__0.MoveNext()
   at System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection)
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
   at rndbuddy.crowdsourcer.get_nodes() in c:\Users\Christopher\Dropbox\Honorbuddy\Plugins\rndbuddy\crowdsourcer.cs:line 27

[19:07:17.202 D] [rndbuddy silent] Exception thrown in crowdsoucer: Only part of a ReadProcessMemory or WriteProcessMemory request was completed, at addr: 3F800000, Size: 192

another Exception in ObjectManager happens when calling
var readList = ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWPlayer>(false, false)
                                   .Where(o => o.IsPlayer && o.Distance < 120)
sometimes throws these exceptions:
[19:33:33.881 D] [rndbuddy silent] Exception thrown in PlayerSecurity: Only part of a ReadProcessMemory or WriteProcessMemory request was completed, at addr: 111F9D78, Size: 4
[19:33:36.389 D] [rndbuddy silent] Exception thrown in PlayerSecurity: Only part of a ReadProcessMemory or WriteProcessMemory request was completed, at addr: 000900A4, Size: 4

What is the expected result when the bot functions correctly?
Please explain any steps to reproduce this bug. If the bug is not reproducible, we may not be able to fix it.
Please provide any additional, applicable information, if you have any.

Please attach a log for this bug report.


Last edited:
What version of Honorbuddy are you using?

Please explain, in as much detail as possible, what the bug is.
Just wanted to report a small bug - Calling TreeRoot.Stop() during a botbase's Initialize() or Start() causes HB to become unresponsive.
It doesn't actually seem to crash or even lock up (can still drag it around), it just seems to do nothing and buttons dont work. Similar to how HB locks up while its downloading mesh files (which should be another bug report probably).
Only option is to end task it via task manager.

Please explain any steps to reproduce this bug. If the bug is not reproducible, we may not be able to fix it.

Hi, Anything,

Agreed, the internals of Honorbuddy such as described here, are not documented. To be fair though, very few APIs document things to this level, and this is just one of those "do your time and learn" issues.

Nevertheless, we've opened bug report HB-1022 ("Calling TreeRoot.Stop() from Initialize() or Start() causes Honorbuddy to hang forever") against this issue. The issue is written to try to get some API documentation against this issue. Or better, throw an exception when TreeRoot.Stop() is called from unacceptable places, since this is obviously an entry criteria violation.

We'll have to see what the senior staff has to say.

Out of curiosity, would you mind explaining why you even attempted such a thing?

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So today i unblacklisted all Kalimdor digsites to report all ArchaeologyBuddy issues. I'm using latest 744 build. So let's start. I will add only repeatable bugged points at the digsites, preventing to farm 24\7

Ethel Rethor
<Hotspot X="-314.6098" Y="2461.111" Z="23.62403" />
Bot can't climb to dig point, falls down and tries to climb again over and over.
View attachment 134143
View attachment 134144

Ruins of Lar'donir
<Hotspot X="5708.442" Y="-3006.013" Z="1559.431" />
Bot getting stuck near this coordinates. HB can't determine coordinates there, so i took coordinates near this point.
View attachment 134145

Ruins of Ravenwind (Ravenwind Digsite)
<Hotspot X="-2939.635" Y="2610.985" Z="67.98125" />
Again bot can't determine coordinates at that point and getting stuck there. Adding coordinates near this spot.
View attachment 134148

Kodo Graveyard.
<Hotspot X="-1416.302" Y="1829.306" Z="58.49746" />
Bot climbs up to the big skeleton, uses survey and gets stuck at the edge of a bone. I think bot needs to land under this bone, not on it.
View attachment 134155

p.s. I'm going to update this post and add some other AB stuck point's. Don't think i need to attach logs, bot just freezes and doing nothing in logs.

Hi, Hatemosphere,

This kind of information is much appreciated.

Despite the hotspots you've provided, we actually do need the full logs to act on the bug report. In the logs are additional information we need for taking corrective action with ArchaeologyBuddy. For instance, the exact location to several decimal places of the faulty fragments, the specific mount type, were you mounted or on foot when the error was encountered, was it a survey site or a dig site that was the problem, etc.

Alas, all the attachments you've provided here are showing up as "invalid". Probably another forum snafu.

But, without these full logs, we can't take action on all this wonderful information you've provided. Please don't let this discourage you, and keep trying. We'd like to get these problem areas nailed once and for all. We do regularly test ArchaeologyBuddy ourselves and write bug report when we encounter problems, but such problems don't always manifest.

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Date: Thursday, July 3, 2014
Honorbuddy Version: v2.5.11034.745
Character Information: Level 24 Undead Frost Mage

Issue: The Traveler's Tundra Mammoth's vendoring procedure seems to have problems when there's a flight map frame present. The bot had just finished a quest and arrived at a new area, so it proceeded to update the flight paths at the flight master. It opened the flight master's frame and updated, then a ForceSetVendor wanted to sell so it gets on the Traveler's Tundra Mammoth with the Flight Map still open and proceeds to an error stating Drix Blackwrench doesn't offer a merchant frame, and verbally blacklists him repeatedly.

Expected Result
: Flight Map would close, or the Merchant Frame would close it, and it would proceed to vendor normally, or if all else use the vendors provided by the profile.

Reproduce: Interact with a flight master and start a profile directing the bot to sell. Mammoth should obviously be purchased.

Additional Information: I'm sure I saw this happen with a different frame somewhere in the Searing Gorge, but unfortunately I cannot remember or reproduce it at this time. Also, early in the log it shows I have quite a few addons enabled but they were disabled well before this event occurred, which is only relevant at the very end where I stopped it. I also wish there was a setting to disable this feature. You can sometimes add problematic vendors to profiles and it's hard to test them if they're never visited.

Log: View attachment 134657

Hi, Liferose,

We've opened bug report HB-1023 ("Fails selling on Tundra Mount fails when taxi map open") against this issue. Thanks for providing all the crystal clear details.

Date the bug occurred.
2014/07/18 04:38 CET

What version of Honorbuddy are you using?

Character Information. (Class, Level, Race, Spec)
Priest, 76, worgen, disc

Please explain, in as much detail as possible, what the bug is.
skinning is turned on in options (even ninja skinning) but it seems that after killing mob and looting it when its time to decide if it should skin mob HB does not add +15 skinning worgens have or +10 skinning knife (i have both knife and worgen racial)
for example when its skinning would (barely with bonuses) enable him to skin something and its orange HB does not skin, but when i manually skin few more levels and he can skin even without bonuses he remembers to skin himself again

What happens instead?
The bot just does not skin if level needed to skin is not at least 10 - 15 less than his "buffed" skinning skill level

What is the expected result when the bot functions correctly?
the bot should take into account any skinning bonuses including skinning knife and worgen racial when deciding if it can skin mob

PS sorry that i couldnt deduce correctly if its not calculating skinning knife or worgen racial

Hi, Bloodmarks,

We don't know why the bot does not take bonuses into account when evaluating the professions. It may be something to do with the way the WoWclient reports the information.

In any case, we've opened feature request HB-1024 ("Honorbuddy should take tradeskill bonuses into account for professions") against the issue.
