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10 Man Raiding with DungeonBuddy


New Member
Mar 19, 2014
Hey guys,

(Apologies if this is wrong forum..)

I just wanted to share what I've been up to lately, and see if anyone else has any similar experiences.

I am a long time user of Honorbuddy and DungeonBuddy. My dad and I have been playing WoW together for over 8 years now, and have always wanted to have our own raiding guild. This expansion, with the help of DungeonBuddy and 10 accounts, we have created our guild and made raiding happen. We already had a quite a few accounts and level 90 characters between us, and with the help of the new character boost system, we put together a raid team and headed into MSV and ToES.

All in all, it has been mostly successful. Having not played the expansion much at all this time around, I came into raiding wanting the full experience - MSV to SoO. Not knowing whether the bots would handle it, I wanted to make sure the content was roughly current for their gear levels.

Apart from changing the Dungeon Id's and fixing up profiles here and there, there are a few issues we ran into. Much of the scripting for these raids is already there, thanks to LFR, however there are some considerable differences between the 2 modes that may seem trivial, but to a novice in scripting present a few problems. For example, Gara'jal the Spiritbinder in MSV requires 3 raid members (1x healer, 2x DPS) to enter the spirit world together, and only by killing the totem, as opposed to (the LFR method of) clicking on it.

In MSV, we managed to down the first 2 bosses. Might seem trivial, but what is completely easy to tell a human being over vent/TS, is simply not the case in raiding with bots. They simple do as they are told. Which is great, of course, until you run into problems. They either need to know how to handle problems, or they will fall apart. I guess that is the fun (read: stress) of the situation. We are currently working on ToES, fixing any avoidance that needs addressing etc and just playing things out and working through it all.

The setup we use is much the same as you would expect of a full bot group. We label the bots as Followers in Config, and name one of us (the two tanks) as the leader. From there, its usually a matter of loading the scripts and jumping aboard the bot train. If anyone has any questions, I would be more than happy to help.

So 10 man raiding is completely possible.

Has anyone else tried this out? Any success? Any working scripts to share? Would love to hear input.
I'm working in getting a 10 man team for this exact same thing for me and my son to play. I'm not quite there yet but I'll be checking back on this thread often in hopes of finding some pointers.
a long long time ago in a distant but near past....Stormchasing and Dagradt tried this in Dragon Soul....A lot of the combat routines and honorbuddy core has come a long way but the way i see it, the bot needs to communicate with the other bots to know who is doing what part in the raid group.
What folder do you change the Script Id's for dungeonbuddy.

Also how do you load the new changed scriprts/profiles.
Has anyone else tried this out? Any success? Any working scripts to share? Would love to hear input.

Nice to hear that, I am also looking forward to do the same thing but right now I only have 5 accounts, looking into how they work on LFR's before getting the other 5 and setting up my own stuff.
To be honest, honor buddy can handle itself. Just needs some TLC to get things to a manageable point. It feels exactly like progression, just on a different path.

The bots don't need to talk to one another, however we do often check buffs and etc. Each encounter we've tried has needed our own strategy, but it all seems achievable.
hi QleXx ,i want to ask how to do can let HB work in flex? how to change the script? the script is xxxx.cs or xxxx.xml?

This is for 10 man. I don't know about flex, sorry.

However, you should change both the XML and .cs dungeon id as far as I'm aware.

In dungeon buddy, go to bot configuration and in the debug tab. The id should be there.
Qlexx,if i try to use it in 10 man raiding,i copy the profile and script ,changed ID ,but HB says -----------Compiler Error: e:\HB733\Dungeon Scripts\Mists of Pandaria\Raids\Vale of Eternal Sorrows.cs(1148,17) : error CS0102: 类型“Bots.DungeonBuddy.Dungeon_Scripts.Mists_of_Pand aria.ValeOfEternalSorrows”已经包含“ShaOfPrideEncounter ”的定义----------------- what can i do if iwant to make success like u,please help me thx
Qlexx,Can u give me your email? i want to consult U about the things how to make hb used for 10man raid
Hey All,
Quick update. QleXx and I have downed Stone Guards and Feng (working on Gara'jal) also downed Protectors and we are working on Tuslong
a long long time ago in a distant but near past....Stormchasing and Dagradt tried this in Dragon Soul....A lot of the combat routines and honorbuddy core has come a long way but the way i see it, the bot needs to communicate with the other bots to know who is doing what part in the raid group.

I know the Stormchasing one, but I might have missed the Dagradt one.


Dungeonbuddy was in such an early stage back then, I would love to try it again, but time and money are rare these days.