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Honorbuddy v2.5.8483.699

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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2010

Honorbuddy v2.5.8483.699


Known Bugs
* Mailing not working
* Gets stuck at flight masters.[/COLOR][/B]

* Updated for WoW Patch 5.4.1
* Aggro units will be included in targeting regardless of the targeting distance.

* Name and UsableWhen attributes has been added to Mailbox tag. UsableWhen is used like Condition attributes in quest order.

Honorbuddy: Installer (recommended) / Zip

Honorbuddy Deutsche Version: Installer (recommended) / Zip
→ For German users, this Honorbuddy client must be used?the other Honorbuddy version(s) will not work for you. ←


Reporting Bugs
When reporting a bug, please include your full log file (found in your bot folder under the "Logs" directory, sort by creation date to find it easier), a full and detailed explanation of the bug, as well as any screenshots that may be useful in tracking down the bug.

The German Version in your link doesnt functunallity. The normaly "not german version" good... the other not (the DE Version)
cant download the installer. my crome or ie does not open the installer link. no connection with buddyauth. :(
Really quick this time :D and a lot of better release of 5.4.0 Thanks developer?s amazing work :)
Really quick this time :D and a lot of better release of 5.4.0 Thanks developer?s amazing work :)

Alot smaller patch, those A.B.C patches are usually faster to adapt HB to than the bigger A.B.

Was just about to write up some dumb ass excuse for not being able to attend the raid tonight, but now I dont have to do that, thanks! :)
Setup Failed? maybe zip file will work when you put it for download

Attachment i must put in zip file cos i cant put it here like .log file

I just take ZIP file and HB work,
thank you very much


Latest version just crashes for me on my older bot computer (Vista) but on my newer bot computer (Windows 7) it works perfectly , i have tried reinstalling a fresh install but it didnt help! What do?
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