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From Monday, March 3, 2025 at 12:00 a.m. (PST)
to Monday, March 17, 2025 at 7:59 a.m. (PDT)
I’ve created a profile to help you earn Seneschal Prince Gear.
Be sure to complete the profile before the event ends!
You can find the profile on my GitHub repo (clicking the green Go To Download...
Duty Mechanic
Duty Mechanic is a plugin for RebornBuddy. It contains custom logic to handle most dungeons supported by the Duty Support system in FFXIV.
Duty Mechanic is a fork and eventual successor to RBTrust, originally developed by Athlon. Itt was intended to contain profiles and mechanic...
Zamphire submitted a new resource:
Sightseeing Profiles - Profiles to complete some of the ShB and Heavensward Sightseeing points
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Orderbot Profiles to complete sightseeing log
I've manually watched and adjusted each spot and should run good.
They are seperated into files by the tab number they show up in the sightseeing log. Make sure you have 9 tabs, meaning you got the HW,SB,SHB quests to do them...I...
This is a simple profile I made that will do the various quests in the game that have Emote unlocks behind them. (Not counting the ones that are exclusive to Beast Tribes.)
Zamphire submitted a new resource:
Resistance Weapons - Profiles to assist with gaining your level 80 Resistance Relic Weapons
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This rofile set is designed to help you obtain your level 80 Resistance Weapons. Because of the way the quest line for these relic weapons were deisgned we can't completely automate this questline. As such there will be many parts that will need to be done manually.
Images of the relic weapons...
This will join the Blunderville crossover game, attempt to win (It never will) and then leave when you're eliminated.
You get 50MGF per participation so it's a good way to get passive MGF to puruchase the exclusive glamour items. It will stop automatically if you hit the 10k MGF cap.
(I have...
Zamphire submitted a new resource:
Relic Weapons - Plugins for Zodiac, Anima, and Manderville Weapons and Splendorous Tools.
Read more about this resource...