I'm a huge WoW nerd, been playing since it released in november and continue to play. I played a little bit of diablo 2 and from just that amount of time I was dissapointed by diablo 3 compared to 2. Where the hell is pvp already!?
Legit leveled: 85 Human Rogue w/full honor gear
85 Worgen Mage W/full honor gear, botted. took a little less than 8hrs/played
85 Human Paladin W/full honor gear for holy and ret, completely botted. 7hrs/played
85 Worgen Hunter W/full honor gear. used arch to level to 85 cause he was a SoR 80
Currently botting up my Dwarf Warlock, Currently level 66.
Don't hesitate to msg me with questions, I'll do my best to help!