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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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I see, well, its trying to do the pgymy quest over and over, even though I completed it, and I'm a lazy mofo who won't look up the quest locations :D
Okay. My toon finished the first 3 quests and kept killing mobs as it went back to turn them in...it was attacking them, not getting aggro lol
Okay. My toon finished the first 3 quests and kept killing mobs as it went back to turn them in...it was attacking them, not getting aggro lol

stop watching your bot and go get some exercise bud :) the bot will randomly kill stuff to and from where it's goin. it's ok
hey nokdu, been a while bud.

can you re-svn and transfer the new CompleteLogQuest to your behaviors folder (from my svn copy) and let me know if this fixes the issue please? Chinajade and I are trying to get some testers to test it

ok i got the latest QB in.. seems to complete the quests but think it's not accepting the next part.. the quest log is open but is not accepted.. (http://www.wowhead.com/quest=26261 finished.. but won't accept the next one :P)
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weird, when you click "complete", the quest is supposed to *auto* accept from blizz =(

i'll pass this along to cj, thanks
Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 36290 in database.
Could not create current in quest bot!

For over a week now. No updates... I didn't do anything but stop the bot for awhile. No manual questing or movement.

I had the same problem today. You have to first beat the boss right where you were at. He dropped a key. You use the key to unlock a girl that's in a cage right there. The cage and girl will not have an exclamation or question mark.
You then have to escort her to the beach. After that, it runs sort of smoothly till your supposed to go to ashenvale. Mine keeps trying to get "ashes to ashenvale," but its not available. sadly, i havent accepted the heroes call one either. So I'm not sure at this point how to go on further.
nevermind.. i think it's working now.. :P
when i get my next toon working i'll try it again :D
Help me with this issue that i have with ProfessionBuddy. I have done a clean install and deleted everything that i could find related to HB but it dosent help :(
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I`ve got a simple question , when you guys tested this profile ... did you use a lvl 85 character ? .... because tbh , my lvl 26 tauren druid with no hairlooms , finds VVVVVVV difficult to pass Astranaar (Alliance town) right through it , and actualy its not difficult , it`s impossible , he tried that from 02:00AM -> 10:30am :) so .. work on this point
Id does not use the item in coldarra to summon the prisoned dragon, but after the first summon and it starts the quest it works later on till it kills the dragon on the platform, when completed it does not use interract to get teleported down it runs of the platform and dies.

log,View attachment 21681

Also it does not collect the Dark Iron Ingot for the quest "We can rebuild it", it does not interract with the gnome to get it, it goes there stands for a while walks back and tries to turn the quest in.

Log View attachment 21682

Also the fix you made to force him to fly to coldarra does not work as you have the tquest to go there done before the rest of the quests in coldarra.

you could make a fly to in coldarra,
<Hotspot X="3591.89" Y="6652.449" Z="195.8622" />

Hope this helps improving the profile, also when leaving coldarra you could make a fly to as well.
trouble in town


sorry for the pm, i looked to post but kept heading to closed threads.

i have done some quests with this character, and not in the right order, but having used your uldum profile with 2 other characters, i have watched HB running through the quests until it catches up to where i am.

not this time

any hints appreciated

addendum.. deleted the warchiefs quest lines and flew down to uldum.. quests are being done!!

will watch over it
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have been using [Fly][A - Quest] LK 68-80 [Kick] from 72 to 77.
GREAT profile.
last night I hit my first real snag, The Drakkensryd.
he has done everything up to it and when he goes to the quest giver she doesn't have any quest.
ps after a while she displayed the blue ! that was back to the pit bear fighting daily.

I tried but can not figure out how to skip this since the next ones are tied to the completion of The Drakkensryd.

I noticed in the this version and I could not find The Drakkensryd quest so I guess you removed it.
I tried to get my chr to run from this updated version but he wants to go do level 73 quest that I have already completed.

kinda stuck and any help or ideas are greatly appreciated.
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Help me with this issue that i have with ProfessionBuddy. I have done a clean install and deleted everything that i could find related to HB but it dosent help :(
Open the file Settings.cs with a text editor (its in the Honorbuddy/Plugins/Professionbuddy/ folder) and at line 15 change
public class ProfessionBuddySettings : Settings
public class ProfessionBuddySettings : Styx.Helpers.Settings
Let me know if that fixes it.
cant get it working..

starting outside org near duator...

Could not generate path from {1063.005, -4008.05, 20.96921} to {1112.079, -3979.201, 98.48429} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
Could not generate path from {1062.203, -4008.537, 20.86309} to {1112.079, -3979.201, 98.48429} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
Could not generate path from {1061.308, -4009.083, 20.7553} to {1112.079, -3979.201, 98.48429} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
Could not generate path from {1060.171, -4008.814, 20.69473} to {1112.079, -3979.201, 98.48429} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
Could not generate path from {1059.149, -4008.573, 20.64071} to {1112.079, -3979.201, 98.48429} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
Could not generate path from {1058.815, -4008.494, 20.62325} to {1112.079, -3979.201, 98.48429} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly

What Faction is the bot? If Alliance then you need to be on Eastern Kingdoms.
I have found a problem that PB can't recognize item entry.

For example

Buy from AH - entry 53038 ( obsidium ore ) -> dont work

Getmail - specific entry 53038 ( obsidium ore ) -> dont work

Getmail - allitem -> work
I'll investigate after servers come up
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