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[A+H][Quest] Epics Nagrand / Hearty Bones - Sabermaw


Jan 15, 2010
Click here to obtain this profile!

This place is not 100% afkable due to this is a quest area, so don't blame me if you get reported.
Supports Mount Vendor Repairs & Sells :D

Tested this profile with Tuanha CC
Hunter Marksman ILVL - 625 (no problems at all but remove avoidance spells)

Recommended LvL 100 but works at 98 aswell.

Actually got the epic while making this profile.... xD

This profile farms the following with an avarage of 320kph:

0.50 - 1.8 Gold per mob
Hearty Bones
Alot of green items
Couple of rare items
tons of Sumptuous Fur

Click Spoiler to reveal items that are dropped.


Start the profile anywhere in Draenor.

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Any thing else in a Buddy Store product Support thread is considered 'off topic' and may be deleted. Examples include, but are not limited to:

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Item: https://store.buddyauth.com/Content/Icons/1361.png
Original Author: Hari
Date Obtained: 20.02.15
Obtained from: Photoshop Hand drawn by Hari.
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Sabermaws dont drop those items? :P

it doesnt just farm those, it farms the windrocs aswell, and they drop it :)
The Sabermaws are just in the way so instead of ignoring them they get killed for the loot aswell.
what is the "afkable"? what this mean? I can't understand.

Afkable means that you can be "away from keyboard", in otherwords that you can go away from the computer while the bot is using this profile without getting noticed or reported for suspicous behavour.
Kills: 1936 (262/hr)
Deaths: 3 (0/hr)
Loots: 3434 (465/hr)

~20 green items
~0 rare items
~0 epic items
~1800 Fur
~600 Bones
Kills: 4734 (267/hr)
Deaths: 3 (0/hr)
Loots: 8420 (475/hr)

still no epics, but stoped.. seems i had bad luck, but 4000 furs and 2000 bones.
10 hours farming.

30 green items
no rare items
no epic items
375 bones
1000 Sumptuous Fur

Kills: 1936 (262/hr)
Deaths: 3 (0/hr)
Loots: 3434 (465/hr)

~20 green items
~0 rare items
~0 epic items
~1800 Fur
~600 Bones

Kills: 4734 (267/hr)
Deaths: 3 (0/hr)
Loots: 8420 (475/hr)

still no epics, but stoped.. seems i had bad luck, but 4000 furs and 2000 bones.

Thank you guys for the feedback. avarage of 3 deaths per 3400 kills. That is not bad at all.

Sorry it didnt get you an epic tho, but alot of furs, greens and bones :)
Updated the profile so it supports all vendor mounts and tested, Works like a charm! :)
i loaded the profile and it dosent start. im currently in nagrand and he atks when some one comes to him but he hasent move to location to start grinding.
Currently running the Alliance Profiles on my 98 rogue, I'll let you know what happens.
i loaded the profile and it dosent start. im currently in nagrand and he atks when some one comes to him but he hasent move to location to start grinding.

Attach log file with this problem please, then i'll try to help you :)
Farmed 40~ hours worked well got stuck a few times with hawks that it agro'd flying into the floor/bridge but besides that clean and usable. He/She doesnt have all their scripts on forum post but I highly suggest DLing their svn and trying out some of the other scripts, little something for everybody