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[Azyul Project] Dungeon Farming, Gold Farming, Mount Farming, Transmog Farming, and more!

Is this the code?

<CustomBehavior File="Hooks\DoWhen" ActivityName="CustomDeathHook" TreeHookName="Death_Main" UseWhen="Me.IsGhost &amp;&amp; Me.CorpseMapId != Me.MapId" >
<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="50000" TerminateWhen="!Me.IsInInstance" />
<DisableBehavior Name="Vendor" />
<CustomBehavior File="RunCode" Code="Logging.Write(System.Windows.Media.Colors.DeepSkyBlue, &quot;[Azyul]: Looks like we died, returning to instance.&quot;);" />
<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="-10667.82" Y="-1303.857" Z="20.86421" />
<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="-10681.01" Y="-1307.565" Z="17.34297" />
<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="MoveForwardStart();" WaitTime="3000" /> <!-- My method of entering dungeons. -->
<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="50000" TerminateWhen="Me.IsInInstance" />
<EnableBehavior Name="Vendor" />

edited for grimbatol hotspots ofcourse.
But I mean the deathrunfix plugin, can you provide a link of that? I cannot seem to find anywhere on that tread and I have searched hb forums.
I'd like to thank ya for the swift update, Echo! Everything's back in working order and the toon is running the instance again like a champ, 331 runs so far (27 using the bot, been running close to 3hrs without incident), keeping my fingers crossed!

Thanks so much and have a good night (day?)!
Awesome to hear.^^

I havent had time to test the Rivendare profile yet. Will do later today! Is there any way to run the GET ALL profile, and then pick which ones NOT to try and get? Like if I get the Stonecore one, the profile shouldn't try and get it again

edit: Tested Rivendare. Works liek a charm now!! Thanks a bunch

Edit 2: Bot is looting both Rivendare and Ramstein the Gorger. What happens if my bags are full and the mount drops? (Loot mobs is disabled in Settings)
The Get All profile should know which mounts you have - and avoid getting them if you already know them.
You could manually remove runs out if needed.

If you open the profile up with a code editor, you could collapse the farm wraps and remove them.

In this example I'm using Sublime Text 2 to remove the Ravenlord farm:

Thanks for the answer, can you also answer me this (COPIED FROM ANOTHER THREAD):
Im using [Azyul] Casual Farms (Mounts, Pets, and other Items of Interest) to farm the Baron Rivendare mount, but even though Loot Mobs is disabled in Settings, it still keeps looting both Ramstein the Goren and Rivendare even though they only drops blues/greens/trash. What would happen if I go afk, the bot runs for few hours, my bags get full of crap blues/trash, and then the mount drops with no free bagspace?

Any ways to fix?
View attachment 164344

here is a log reproducing the error. it seems to work fine though
The error is that you're using the public release of DoWhen.
The code is setup for the new DoWhen on the Nightly Honorbuddy release.

My 90 rogue i tried running the "Lost City of the Tol'vir trash farm extra - Guild bank money+embersilk.
Loaded up in Questing bot (why isnt this writen more visible?)
Anyway it runs the path it should, but it DOES NOT attack any mobs and thus dies and cant find corpse because it think its outside the instance...
What profile should i run instead for gold/hour on my rogue?
The thread is categorized in sections, while it's not assumed you should read the entire thread - it would be assumed that you'd read anything under the "Need to know" section.
Given this, it's visible enough.

The profiles are designed to not attack mobs - but instead pull a large amount of them then kill them.
And the death issue is known. As posted on the front of the thread in red.

Gundrak, Drak'tharon, The Botanica, Grim Batol, Stonecore - all are good instances. But Rogues aren't that good at dungeon farming.

Thanks for these awesome profiles. Just a quesion. Taking.Taking my level 100 rogue into the instance, he seems to not always pull the mobs and attack them and rather waits to be attacked? Can anyone assist me with this please?
The profiles weren't designed for a level 100s aggro tolerance since the profiles have existed months before Draenor was released.
I've not had time to run back through and re-write the pulling for 100s yet.

I´m running 10x Gundrak atm - was just wondering why sometimes the corpse is in the middle of the sea beneath dragonblight - I remember that bug from some years ago when I was activ raiding. Anyone else expiring the same problem ?
Death support was broken as of Honorbuddy 761+.
It's being worked on.

Hi Echotiger,
Once ended Gundrak profile, each time i must wait 2min for restart the dungeon.
Goal Waiting for 76s of 2m04s ,can u tell how can i change the remaining time once i ended the dungeon for restart again the dungeon. i would like change 2 min of remaining time to 30 sec if its posible
Then every 3 or 4 dungeons the bot goes to sell the trash and items far from the dungeon, how can i sell these items and trash in my mount?
Ty and sorry for my bad english
30 seconds over a lapse of 10 dungeons could cause you to overload the dungeons and that will cause errors.

Although if you're still wanting to: open the profile up with a text/code editor and CTRL+F for Timer="Check" on this line add WaitTime="xxxxx"
For xxxxx put a time (in milliseconds) the dungeon will be capped to.

Ex: WaitTime="330000" would cap it to 5 minutes and 30 seconds down from 6 minutes.

is this for grimbatol?
can you post the Deathrunfix plugin, is it actually a plugin or a quest behaviour? I have heard of deathrun.cs I tried to edit it for grimbatol but failed badly, I don't think the nearGrimBatol exists like for botanica and for HoL, I couldn't find those as I have no experience editing quest behaviours

Also @EchoTiger

In grimbatol on my server since its pvp, there's alot of people ganking outside and my bot usually stucks when it dies and cannot ress anymore so it just stays in ghost, is it possible to fix this? if you don't have the time can you help me editing the main profile to be able to deathrun to the instance and near the entrance (where you get ganked) I will post it here for everyone if its working and afk 100%
Experimental (new) death profiles can be found here:
Currently which dungeons are on the list is being added upon request.
If testing is successful, a mass-update will be sent on the next Honorbuddy update.

It dying outside of the dungeon shouldn't cause errors.
The bot should be able to navigate back to the corpse since all that logic is handled by Honorbuddy's Death_Main.

The only issues should be when it dies inside the dungeon - do you have a log of it dying outside and not being able to retrieve the body?


I just started botting and farming, I got 5 rafed 80Lv : One warrior, one shaman, and three druids.

Can someone help me to set up an optimized farm for my group ? I don't know where to start... Should I go for Gundrak, Botanica, using proxy, using mules etc.

I will give my first benefits up to 10$ to the one who help me into farming gold.

Send me a PM, thanks !
I'll let the community answer most of these questions.
But most people just starting out farm Gundrak since it's the most reliable and has decent GPH.
I feel like im spamming this thread. New problem with the Rivendare profile:
After killing Baron and running back to the entrance, it sometimes target the Undead mobs that are fighting the Alliance NPCs. When targeting them, my character just stops until i manually untarget the Undead mobs
Thanks for the answer, can you also answer me this (COPIED FROM ANOTHER THREAD):
Im using [Azyul] Casual Farms (Mounts, Pets, and other Items of Interest) to farm the Baron Rivendare mount, but even though Loot Mobs is disabled in Settings, it still keeps looting both Ramstein the Goren and Rivendare even though they only drops blues/greens/trash. What would happen if I go afk, the bot runs for few hours, my bags get full of crap blues/trash, and then the mount drops with no free bagspace?

Any ways to fix?
The profile should be designed to only loot the boss.
I'd need to know the revision number of the profile you're using.

I feel like im spamming this thread. New problem with the Rivendare profile:
After killing Baron and running back to the entrance, it sometimes target the Undead mobs that are fighting the Alliance NPCs. When targeting them, my character just stops until i manually untarget the Undead mobs
Sounds like a combat routine issue.
Is there a specific mob it's getting stuck with?
Seems like it can be any mob, as long as it's fighting the newly arrived Friendly NPCs. This time around it took only 5 secs for the bot to move on though. I dont know if it's the profile or TuanHA's routine.
How do I get the profiles revision number?

edit: is this it?
<Name>Deathcharger's Reins Farm [$Rev: 1114 $]</Name>
Hello Echo, I've been running the Tol'vir Suicide profile for a while, and would like to pose two questions. If it helps in any way, I am using a lvl 100 Feral Druid.

a) the bot will sometime mount up after clicking the whirlwind right before the last boss (the whole mounting up feels a little messed up every now and then) and skip the last boss instead of killing it, any idea as to why that may happen?
b) would it be possible to implement some form of code to make it so that when the guild chest is summoned it also deposits green items, instead of just embersilk and gold?

P.S.: another issue would be that when it runs out of bagspace and the guildbank summoning is not yet available, it just sells everything (embersilk included) to my Mammoth vendors, 'refusing' to go the mailbox in the nearby village and mailing it to the alt I've set as mail recipient in Honorbuddy.

Thanks for your time, and your great work so far!
Hello Echo, I've been running the Tol'vir Suicide profile for a while, and would like to pose two questions.

a) the bot will sometime mount up (the whole mounting up feels a little messed up every now and then) and skips the last boss instead of killing it, any idea as to why that may happen?
b) would it be possible to implement some form of code to make it so that when the guild chest is summoned it also deposits green items, instead of just embersilk and gold?

P.S.: another issue would be that when it runs out of bagspace and the guildbank summoning is not yet available, it just sells everything (embersilk included) to my Mammoth vendors, 'refusing' to go the mailbox in the nearby village and mailing it to the alt I've set as mail recipient in Honorbuddy.

Thanks for your time, and your great work so far!
A) Someone reported this before. Would be an easy fix to have the mount hook disable/enable pre/post boss fight. I'll see about adding it in.
B) Yes, there's probably one here: Azyul - not entirely sure exactly how those profiles operate, if you don't find what you need then I'll make one.

The mailing routine is always ran last - the bot sells the Embersilk as a "failsafe" just in case the player doesn't have a mail recipient set (and the guild bank fails).
If the embersilk wasn't sold, it would cause the bags to max out which causes the bot to stop.
A profile could be edited to do what you want.
Seems like it can be any mob, as long as it's fighting the newly arrived Friendly NPCs. This time around it took only 5 secs for the bot to move on though. I dont know if it's the profile or TuanHA's routine.
How do I get the profiles revision number?

edit: is this it?
<Name>Deathcharger's Reins Farm [$Rev: 1114 $]</Name>
There's a very good chance it's TuanHA.
Any combat routine that's not Singular will have issues with my profiles.
Hey echo, running tol'vir x.5 suicide, he doesnt seems to loot last boss, killing him and then moving to entrance. Missing some goldz
How would I go about disabling the mount hook for that part of the dungeon alone? Don't mean to give you extra work just for a personal issue, but I am a bit of an ignoramus when it comes to coding.
I'll try the green items version for now and let you know how it goes, thanks for the link. :)
Also, I will swap my bags for a full 30 slots set, that should give me some 22 extra slots compared to my current setup, and hopefully ensure the guild bank summoning is always available by the time I need it - will update in an hour or so!
it's not a personnal Issue ;)

I got same!

And i have another issue on third boss, when he became immune. My bot don't witch to the add. I guess a AOE would be enough ( i am a hunter, so a trap can kill it) but no ..

he remove his target and stand there without doing nothing and die :)
Echo you know why my bots , going grounding mountet from Botanica to somewhere to hellfire penisue and flying to nowhere

[Singular] info: botbase disabled BehaviorFlags.Combat
Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Bloodwarder Protector
I died!
Not in game
[Singular] Your Level 87 Troll Balance Druid Build is
[Singular] ... running the Questing bot in The Botanica
[Singular] ... Zone: Outland using my SOLO Behaviors
Mounting: Travel Form
We are stuck! (<2669.451, 1698.467, -149.9981>)
We are stuck! (<2653.123, 1689.586, -149.9968>)
We are stuck! (<2636.852, 1680.737, -149.9975>)
We are stuck! (<2620.561, 1671.878, -149.9979>)
We are stuck! (<2604.321, 1663.046, -149.9982>)
We are stuck! (<2583.253, 1650.463, -152.8397>)
We are stuck! (<2562.187, 1637.883, -155.7417>)
We are stuck! (<2541.205, 1625.365, -158.6321>)
Okay. Thanks a lot for the answers. I like how you're answering super fast, big plus. Much love to you.
Also thanks for putting all the effort into these profiles.
Thank you!
Last edited:
Have used several of the profiles to help me grind tailoring mats!!! Huge props and TYVM!!!

Just curious though, does anyone know the best one to use for Windwool farming?
Hello Echo, I've been running the Tol'vir Suicide profile for a while, and would like to pose two questions. If it helps in any way, I am using a lvl 100 Feral Druid.

a) the bot will sometime mount up after clicking the whirlwind right before the last boss (the whole mounting up feels a little messed up every now and then) and skip the last boss instead of killing it, any idea as to why that may happen?

I'm having this problem too. Sometimes my toon doesn't exit the instance (after finishing the dungeon), even when my bags are full. YoHf Are you experiencing this too?