Cant really get this to work. I used it once by going to an area with a lot of mushans, and it skinned for a little while. It then flew to an area and killed mobs that were mineable, and just sat there for hours because i dont have mining.
Today, its not really doing much. I tried to get it to kill mobs in the area, so i go to the config, click KILL THESE, click CHOOSE MOBS, click a mob in the area that is skinnable, click ADD, and get this error:
Unable to cast object of type 'Styx.WoWInternals.WOWObjects.WOWUnit' to type 'Eclipse.WOWDatabase.Models.MOB'
ALso, under the data management button, it doesnt save my location for the bot and table, even when i cut and paste it in, and reboot the bot, it doesnt save and i have to re-do it. it keeps saying the directory is C:\Users\Twist\Documents.... instead of my directory info
As I was typing this, i did a completely fresh HB install. It now works where i can click SKINBOT and start and if there are skinable mobs in the area, it goes. However, I cant do anything with DATAMANAGEMENT (your dorectory comes up, when i change to mine, nothing happens) and when I click KILL THESE, and then click CHOOSE MOBS, and refresh for mobs in the area, once i click a mob and hit ADD TO KILL LIST, it gives me that same crash error above