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Cava, you said its LVL 1-72...and I check the box 1-90 ? whos lieing hahaha
its me sorry, better stop using it, will only level up to 72

my advice is use kick quest 1 to 90 or botanist grind 1 to 90
Works like shit! lvl 34 priest all it does is saying need to be in northern stranglethorn vale when u put it there just runs north until facing a alliance camp dies... does this over and over and over... i have now tried 4 different toon different lvls not a single one is afkable for more than 2-3 lvls and even when babysitting it sometimes the profile just are coded to do something wrong. like in this stanglethorn vale thing...
Works like shit! lvl 34 priest all it does is saying need to be in northern stranglethorn vale when u put it there just runs north until facing a alliance camp dies... does this over and over and over... i have now tried 4 different toon different lvls not a single one is afkable for more than 2-3 lvls and even when babysitting it sometimes the profile just are coded to do something wrong. like in this stanglethorn vale thing...

Learn how to use HB and this Profile, better use another Profile.
Works like shit! lvl 34 priest all it does is saying need to be in northern stranglethorn vale when u put it there just runs north until facing a alliance camp dies... does this over and over and over... i have now tried 4 different toon different lvls not a single one is afkable for more than 2-3 lvls and even when babysitting it sometimes the profile just are coded to do something wrong. like in this stanglethorn vale thing...

well it's realy strange that something is scripted to work afk only runs afkable 2-3 levels more strange when you are babysitting bot and still something goes rong, but the most strange part is the stranglethorn vale issue, that is totaly strange because none of my profiles quest there

are you realy sure that you are running cavaProfiles?
cant wait to see it fully working 1 to 90. This plugin is just incredible lol! levels, quests, equips new items. honorbuddy and its plugins just amazing!
Can not start quest bot - this profile does not contain a quest order! when trying to start 85 - 90...
Err: Custom Actionvar5 = (bool)tryUseTaxi(3838,1)
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at CodeDriver.Interact(Int32 unitID)
at CodeDriver.tryUseTaxi(Int32 TaxiID, Int32 TaxiNumber)
at CodeDriver.Code378213344(Object context)
at HighVoltz.Composites.CustomAction.Run(Object context) in e:\Honor\Bots\Professionbuddy\Composites\CustomAct ion.cs:line 70


For Cava's Profile when doing mining and blacksmith

get like 42 in minding and then it took me to darkshore and started doing that

[Ref: "[N-Quest] (62-64) Zangarmarsh [Cava] $Rev: 173 $" @line 2814]

He couldnt Find vendor :/ only stand on place and chill xD

Zangarmarsch error1.webp
View attachment 932 2014-01-10 12.07.zip
Edit: after bot stop i run to other place, then i start bot again and little bit later same prob :/

btw most of time he didnt fly (50% or so ^^ ) bot use ground path with flying mount ^^ and yes i have Fly license :D, is that intentional or is something wrong with the settings

Edit2 : after i run to this vendor he sell and mail , but then he used Taxi and BAM again.. lol its over XD
new log added :/ srsly dont understand whats wrong :( View attachment 7604 2014-01-10 13.32.txt
EDIT: I wasnt on this part...now I'm ... it get stucked on same path, then I fly to the other plataform, then It is waiting for elevator now...
EDIT2: it still bugged hahaha
edit3: dont know how...but its working again haha
ok im having a problem with either HB or cava's profile. does anyone know whats going on.

Changing current profile to Cava Profiles by [Cava] $Rev: 165 $
Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : Questing
[bc2]: Bot started
[CavaPlugin]:CavaPlugin Disposed
[CavaPlugin]:CavaPlugin Disposed
[CavaLoader-v369(info) @line 19]: Loading profile 'Next[Cava].xml'
Changing current profile to Next [Cava] $Rev: 177 $
[LoadProfile-v1085(info)] Loading profile '[H-Quest](11-20)SilverpineForest[Cava].xml'
Changing current profile to [H-Quest] (11-20) Silverpine Forest [Cava] $Rev: 169 $
[Profile Message]: Compiling Silverpine Forest Quests (11-20)
Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
Stopping the bot!
Bot stopping! Reason: User pressed the stop button
[bc2]: Bot stopped

the reason why i press stop is because my lvl 17 blood elf runs straight to a bunch of elites bloodfang scouts. and bot says quest pick up..
but my character runs across ruins of gilneas just to attack these eletes.. it makes no sence. please anyone help me,.
ok im having a problem with either HB or cava's profile. does anyone know whats going on.

Changing current profile to Cava Profiles by [Cava] $Rev: 165 $
Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : Questing
[bc2]: Bot started
[CavaPlugin]:CavaPlugin Disposed
[CavaPlugin]:CavaPlugin Disposed
[CavaLoader-v369(info) @line 19]: Loading profile 'Next[Cava].xml'
Changing current profile to Next [Cava] $Rev: 177 $
[LoadProfile-v1085(info)] Loading profile '[H-Quest](11-20)SilverpineForest[Cava].xml'
Changing current profile to [H-Quest] (11-20) Silverpine Forest [Cava] $Rev: 169 $
[Profile Message]: Compiling Silverpine Forest Quests (11-20)
Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
Stopping the bot!
Bot stopping! Reason: User pressed the stop button
[bc2]: Bot stopped

the reason why i press stop is because my lvl 17 blood elf runs straight to a bunch of elites bloodfang scouts. and bot says quest pick up..
but my character runs across ruins of gilneas just to attack these eletes.. it makes no sence. please anyone help me,.
stop and shutdown bot
run CavaPlugin_fix
start bot and try again
upload FULL log if still dont work