its me sorry, better stop using it, will only level up to 72Cava, you said its LVL 1-72...and I check the box 1-90 ? whos lieing hahaha
stop and shutdown bot
run CavaPlugin_Fix
start bot
if still have issues, upload new log please
Works like shit! lvl 34 priest all it does is saying need to be in northern stranglethorn vale when u put it there just runs north until facing a alliance camp dies... does this over and over and over... i have now tried 4 different toon different lvls not a single one is afkable for more than 2-3 lvls and even when babysitting it sometimes the profile just are coded to do something wrong. like in this stanglethorn vale thing...
Works like shit! lvl 34 priest all it does is saying need to be in northern stranglethorn vale when u put it there just runs north until facing a alliance camp dies... does this over and over and over... i have now tried 4 different toon different lvls not a single one is afkable for more than 2-3 lvls and even when babysitting it sometimes the profile just are coded to do something wrong. like in this stanglethorn vale thing...
fixed at rev 178
Thanks for report
log please?Can not start quest bot - this profile does not contain a quest order! when trying to start 85 - 90...
stop and shutdown botok im having a problem with either HB or cava's profile. does anyone know whats going on.
Changing current profile to Cava Profiles by [Cava] $Rev: 165 $
Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : Questing
[bc2]: Bot started
[CavaPlugin]:CavaPlugin Disposed
[CavaPlugin]:CavaPlugin Disposed
[CavaLoader-v369(info) @line 19]: Loading profile 'Next[Cava].xml'
Changing current profile to Next [Cava] $Rev: 177 $
[LoadProfile-v1085(info)] Loading profile '[H-Quest](11-20)SilverpineForest[Cava].xml'
Changing current profile to [H-Quest] (11-20) Silverpine Forest [Cava] $Rev: 169 $
[Profile Message]: Compiling Silverpine Forest Quests (11-20)
Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
Stopping the bot!
Bot stopping! Reason: User pressed the stop button
[bc2]: Bot stopped
the reason why i press stop is because my lvl 17 blood elf runs straight to a bunch of elites bloodfang scouts. and bot says quest pick up..
but my character runs across ruins of gilneas just to attack these eletes.. it makes no sence. please anyone help me,.