I can log on to the assembla site, but cannot login through the window when opening HB.
yes it was assembla issue seems works againI will just Play my Pally for now i Need to go last part LFR anyways, oh btw maybe i am wrong but it might be an assembla issue? Im using the Premium Version from MIrabis Leaves too and got the same Problem there.
Have a serious question,
Once I install the CR, and select it in my HB window, do I (NEED) to change any of the settings in the class config menu? or are they already pre-set with perfection for MAX DPS with destruction class.
I noticed theres an option to LOAD settings, and there are 3 settings in the folder (PvP,PvE,Questing) - Do I need to load these settings each time I want to do a certain task, or does it load automatically?
Thanks in advance for the feedback, keep up to great work Milz!!
Those are preset settings. For the most part they are good enough if not close to best you can get for dps. Changing anything would just be a matter of preference. You only have to load em once and it stay that way until you change it. The only thing I suggest is if you decide to change anything, save it under your toons name just in case.
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Thank you very muchvery very much
I've noticed a huge increase in DPS after switching to PvE ~ in my raids
very very very happy
Might I ask also, Can anyone link a guide for best glyphs/talents/ and specifically which GEMS/ENCHANTS to use for destruction? I'm just having trouble googling and only seeing old/outdated content.
Thanks again in advance, this thread and this community specifically have made this CR incredible.
Have a serious question,
Once I install the CR, and select it in my HB window, do I (NEED) to change any of the settings in the class config menu? or are they already pre-set with perfection for MAX DPS with destruction class.
I noticed theres an option to LOAD settings, and there are 3 settings in the folder (PvP,PvE,Questing) - Do I need to load these settings each time I want to do a certain task, or does it load automatically?
Thanks in advance for the feedback, keep up to great work Milz!!
No glyphs are a dps increase.
Talents -> Everything is fairly situational.
Tier 1: Dark Regeneration or Soul Leach -> Both are decent, soul leach is nice because it's passive.
Tier 2: Between mortal coil and shadowfury -> Depends on fight, I've been using shadowfury but fights where you need a quick extra heal and it's single target mortal coil is great (Iron Jugg, Malkorok, Thok, Seigecrafter heroic).
Tier 3: All have uses. I like Soul link but Sacrificial Pact is very useful on quite a few fights. Shamans heroic for the doom, malkorok for eating orbs, siegecrafter for eating damage etc. Dark Bargain can be useful but situational
Tier 4: Burning Rush always for me
Tier 5: Below 550 item level = Grimoire of Supremacy --- Above: Use Sacrifice
Tier 6: I've been using Kil'jaeden's Cunning Exclusively - Since we aren't planning our movement with our casts with the bot and the movement requirements in SoO this works best for me.
Gems: AskMrRobot does a pretty good job with locks. Their default Int > Hit > Mastery > Crit > Haste build is pretty solid. I think Crit ~= Haste at high item level but it's up to you.
Thank you for the feedback sirI have made the according changes, gonna test the dps in another raid here tomorrow, looks good - very good breakdown of the tears.
Make sure in the advanced tab you load the Auralist. Will auto load your previous settings. Worth going through and seeing what the options are but the defaults are pretty solid. Somethings like Immolate minimum HP and Chaosbolt Minimum HP are quite straight forward but worth tweaking based on your needs.
How does one go about figuring out what to tweak and what number to tweak to?
post a logMillz, cr stops when target has hand of protection. Please fix![]()