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cannot start because of this:
"[Compiler Error]: c:\Users\XxX\Desktop\WOWhonor\Quest Behaviors\KillVicejaw.cs(67,17) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'ConfigMemento' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
Errors in quest behaviors!"

that behavior is not im my behavior list, not in Cava Pack

to fix:
remove c:\Users\XxX\Desktop\WOWhonor\Quest Behaviors\KillVicejaw.cs
hello cava, im having a problem with EPL profile, he just moves through EPL without picking any Quest, tryed deleting cache

btw great profiles, from 1 to 39 atm

edit: nvm it seems to work now after 1:20 hours walking through EPL
Got some buffs and avoid mob strategy built into the plugin, you just have to tick the plugin but don't run it and the buffs and avoid mobs strategy just work as you are running around.

cavaplugin is build to dispose himself if isnt running an Cava's profile, no point to add something that will be disabled
that behavior is not im my behavior list, not in Cava Pack

to fix:
remove c:\Users\XxX\Desktop\WOWhonor\Quest Behaviors\KillVicejaw.cs

Yeah! Thx!.. it worked.. now it's happily questing... even if in worgen starting zone some quests are a bit messed up and i had to babysit it :) let's see how it will be going on ;)
Bot stopped! Reason:[B] Could not create current in quest bot![/B]
TuanHA Protection Paladin Settings have been saved
Starting the bot!


[Profile Message]: [B]Compiling Move to Main City[/B]

This is so annoying, everytime 10-15 min flying to capital city when something goes wrong
and you cant stop it.

Works nice other then that, but i think i spend 2 hours allr flying up and down main city
when a quest bugged out or the bot froze up for some reason.

Cant you take that out? I mean, dont know why he should fly back to main. Had once that it
went via darnassus, moonglade, etc, boat on and off, to sw. I mean, c'mon.

View attachment 4496 2013-11-29 13.17.txt
cavaplugin is build to dispose himself if isnt running an Cava's profile, no point to add something that will be disabled

Not what I am finding, I just use the grind bot on a loaded profile and it will avoid the mobs in the way you designed it to as if I was using your profile with just Cava ticked.......I'll double check then.

Keeps saying we are stuck on pandaren level 1-90 horde profile im only level 1 just starting tryed reinstalling plugin and honorbuddy still doesnt work am I missing something I downloaded all the cava stuff and still just keeps saying we are stuck I donated 5 euros and its not letting me use the donating buttons. says I need cava antistuck addon enabled how do I do that.

We are stuck!!
Trying strafe left for 600ms
(Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Huojin Trainee.5CB2 h=100.0%, maxh=168, d=93.9 yds, box=1.5, trivial=False, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=Y, hostile=N, entry=65470, faction=2263, loss=N, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=N
(Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Huojin Trainee.8524 h=100.0%, maxh=168, d=106.8 yds, box=1.5, trivial=False, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=Y, hostile=N, entry=65470, faction=2263, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=N
Activity: Moving to Huojin Trainee (distance: 106.8)
Activity: Moving to Huojin Trainee (distance: 103.9)
Activity: Moving to Huojin Trainee (distance: 101.1)
We are stuck!!
Trying jump
Activity: Moving to Huojin Trainee (distance: 98.4)
Activity: Moving to Huojin Trainee (distance: 96.3)
Activity: Moving to Huojin Trainee (distance: 94.4)
We are stuck!!
Trying jump
Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward, JumpAscend
Activity: Moving to Huojin Trainee (distance: 92.6)
Activity: Moving to Huojin Trainee (distance: 91.9)
We are stuck!!
Trying jump
Activity: Moving to Huojin Trainee (distance: 91.0)
Activity: Moving to Huojin Trainee (distance: 90.8)
We are stuck!!
Trying jump
The biggest problem with profiles and its not just this one but ive noticed it does it more often.. The constant going to main city flight path back to where you were, fly back to main city load next profile zone, fly to main city and back to where you were to begin with lol.. I mean no wonder so many people are getting reported.. its like someone with the severe shakes and a bad care of terrets is playing wow.
Just started HB a few days back and have been using Cava's profile. It works smoothly (minor hiccups here and there), great job and thanks !
hello cava, im having a problem with EPL profile, he just moves through EPL without picking any Quest, tryed deleting cache

btw great profiles, from 1 to 39 atm

edit: nvm it seems to work now after 1:20 hours walking through EPL

if you never stop/started bot, please upload that log
if you did, thats normal bot run to save at in then run back to start questing every time you start bot will do all path since line 1
Hello Cava, i just wanted to post here to tell you that in EPL only one quest bugs, the only way to pass it is to restart HB so that the profiles can get compiled again, the quest is named "Catalysm", quest id = 27453

The problem is : the bot kills and applies the item correctly on mobs but when it finishes the quest, it doesnt click on complete quest and moves on, i think the CombatUseItemOn somehow gets stuck and the bot keeps killing the mobs underwater infinitly.

On the log in HB it shows : CompleteLogQuest
So my guess is the "While" condition + "CombatUseItemOn" doesn't let the bot apply the quest completion.
And by simple closing HB and relaunching it, it compiles the profile and passes it, otherwise the bot will keeps killing mobs underwater, I EVEN DID A STOP/START of HB without closing it and i MANUALLY completed the quest and got the next quest and STILL the bot kept killing the mobs underwater...

This is where exactly it gets stuck inside the file : [A-Quest](39-44)EasternPlaguelands[Cava].xml (everything looks normal inside the profile, it must be CustomBehavior File="CombatUseItemOn" behavior that gets bugged somehow)

<If Condition="HasQuest(27453) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(27453)" >
  <While Condition="!IsQuestCompleted(27453)" >
    <CustomBehavior File="CombatUseItemOn" QuestId="27453" MobId1="8519" MobId2="8520" ItemId="61284" MobHpPercentLeft="99" MaxRange="5" X="1777.728" Y="-4480.072" Z="71.33502" />
    <CustomBehavior File="CombatUseItemOn" QuestId="27453" MobId1="8519" MobId2="8520" ItemId="61284" MobHpPercentLeft="99" MaxRange="5" X="1738.422" Y="-4471.527" Z="71.33502" />
    <CustomBehavior File="CombatUseItemOn" QuestId="27453" MobId1="8519" MobId2="8520" ItemId="61284" MobHpPercentLeft="99" MaxRange="5" X="1706.271" Y="-4495.529" Z="71.33502" />
    <CustomBehavior File="CombatUseItemOn" QuestId="27453" MobId1="8519" MobId2="8520" ItemId="61284" MobHpPercentLeft="99" MaxRange="5" X="1674.637" Y="-4520.238" Z="71.33502" />
    <CustomBehavior File="CombatUseItemOn" QuestId="27453" MobId1="8519" MobId2="8520" ItemId="61284" MobHpPercentLeft="99" MaxRange="5" X="1656.789" Y="-4556.394" Z="71.33502" />
    <CustomBehavior File="CombatUseItemOn" QuestId="27453" MobId1="8519" MobId2="8520" ItemId="61284" MobHpPercentLeft="99" MaxRange="5" X="1660.149" Y="-4596.311" Z="71.33502" />
    <CustomBehavior File="CombatUseItemOn" QuestId="27453" MobId1="8519" MobId2="8520" ItemId="61284" MobHpPercentLeft="99" MaxRange="5" X="1668.791" Y="-4635.538" Z="71.33502" />
    <CustomBehavior File="CombatUseItemOn" QuestId="27453" MobId1="8519" MobId2="8520" ItemId="61284" MobHpPercentLeft="99" MaxRange="5" X="1677.436" Y="-4674.782" Z="71.33502" />
    <CustomBehavior File="CombatUseItemOn" QuestId="27453" MobId1="8519" MobId2="8520" ItemId="61284" MobHpPercentLeft="99" MaxRange="5" X="1695.259" Y="-4710.895" Z="71.33502" />
    <CustomBehavior File="CombatUseItemOn" QuestId="27453" MobId1="8519" MobId2="8520" ItemId="61284" MobHpPercentLeft="99" MaxRange="5" X="1735.306" Y="-4710.209" Z="71.33502" />
    <CustomBehavior File="CombatUseItemOn" QuestId="27453" MobId1="8519" MobId2="8520" ItemId="61284" MobHpPercentLeft="99" MaxRange="5" X="1746.92" Y="-4671.615" Z="71.33502" />
    <CustomBehavior File="CombatUseItemOn" QuestId="27453" MobId1="8519" MobId2="8520" ItemId="61284" MobHpPercentLeft="99" MaxRange="5" X="1760.544" Y="-4633.939" Z="71.33502" />
    <CustomBehavior File="CombatUseItemOn" QuestId="27453" MobId1="8519" MobId2="8520" ItemId="61284" MobHpPercentLeft="99" MaxRange="5" X="1776.969" Y="-4597.149" Z="71.33502" />
    <CustomBehavior File="CombatUseItemOn" QuestId="27453" MobId1="8519" MobId2="8520" ItemId="61284" MobHpPercentLeft="99" MaxRange="5" X="1785.604" Y="-4557.94" Z="71.33502" />
    <CustomBehavior File="CombatUseItemOn" QuestId="27453" MobId1="8519" MobId2="8520" ItemId="61284" MobHpPercentLeft="99" MaxRange="5" X="1791.535" Y="-4517.845" Z="71.33502" />
<If Condition="HasQuest(27453) &amp;&amp; IsQuestCompleted(27453)" >
   <While Condition="HasQuest(27453)" >
    <CustomBehavior File="CompleteLogQuest" QuestId="27453" /><!--<PickUp QuestName="Just a Drop in the Bucket" QuestId="27454" GiverName="" GiverId="" />-->

The part inside the log where it gets stuck in a killing mobs underwater loop, i marked with underline the part that shows that the quest was complete, but it kept doing the same thing for over 20 minutes until i stopped it.

[09:02:53.666 D] Compiling expression 'HasQuest(27453)' @ line 1134
[09:02:53.692 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[U][B][09:02:53.692 D] Goal: CompleteLogQuest: Catalysm[/B][/U]
[09:02:54.516 D] (Singular) [WoWRedError] Target needs to be in front of you.
[09:02:54.530 D] (Singular) CanCast[Kill Command]: still on cooldown for 2225 ms
[09:02:54.310 N] (Singular) reset target timer to 00:00:20
[09:02:54.310 N] (Singular) FaceTarget: facing since more than 70 degrees
[09:02:54.518 N] (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Auto Shot#75 failure: 'Target needs to be in front of you.'
[09:02:54.527 N] (Singular) reset target timer to 00:00:20
[09:02:54.528 N] (Singular) .... h=96.6%, focus=71.0, moving=False, peth=77.5%, Plague Ravager.3E43, 45.8%, 2.1 yds, loss=True
[09:02:54.533 N] [Singular] Casting Arcane Shot on Plague Ravager.3E43 @ 45.8% at 2.1 yds 
[09:02:54.732 N] (Singular) reset target timer to 00:00:20
[09:02:55.528 D] (Singular) CanCast[Kill Command]: still on cooldown for 1223 ms
[09:02:55.526 N] (Singular) .... h=96.6%, focus=47.0, moving=False, peth=77.5%, Plague Ravager.3E43, 30.4%, 2.2 yds, loss=True
[09:02:55.529 N] [Singular] Casting Steady Shot on Plague Ravager.3E43 @ 30.4% at 2.2 yds
[09:02:55.737 N] (Singular) reset target timer to 00:00:20
[09:02:57.753 D] (Singular) CanCast[Bestial Wrath]: still on cooldown for 50585 ms
[09:02:57.756 N] (Singular) .... h=96.6%, focus=55.0, moving=False, peth=73.0%, Plague Ravager.3E43, 14.4%, 3.7 yds, loss=True
[09:02:57.758 N] [Singular] Casting Kill Shot on Plague Ravager.3E43 @ 14.4% at 3.7 yds 
[09:02:57.933 N] (Singular) reset target timer to 00:00:20
[09:02:58.328 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[09:02:58.751 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[09:03:01.968 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: (null)
[09:03:01.968 N] [Singular] Current target invalid. Switching to aggroed mob Plague Ravager.3E44!
[09:03:01.968 N] (Singular) EnsureTarget: set target to chosen target Plague Ravager.3E44
[09:03:02.147 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Plague Ravager.3E44 h=100.0%, maxh=4280, d=10.6 yds, box=1.3, trivial=False, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=8520, faction=91, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, TargetIndex=1
[09:03:02.364 D] (Singular) CanCast[Bestial Wrath]: still on cooldown for 45974 ms
[09:03:02.578 D] (Singular) CanCast[Bestial Wrath]: still on cooldown for 45760 ms
[09:03:02.366 N] (Singular) reset target timer to 00:00:20
[09:03:02.366 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: Plague Ravager.3E44 h=100.0%, maxh=4280, d=8.3 yds, box=1.3, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=91, loss=Y, face=Y, agro=Y, pagro=N, TargetIndex=1
Hello Cava, i just wanted to post here to tell you that in EPL only one quest bugs, the only way to pass it is to restart HB so that the profiles can get compiled again, the quest is named "Catalysm", quest id = 27453

The problem is : the bot kills and applies the item correctly on mobs but when it finishes the quest, it doesnt click on complete quest and moves on, i think the CombatUseItemOn somehow gets stuck and the bot keeps killing the mobs underwater infinitly.

On the log in HB it shows : CompleteLogQuest
So my guess is the "While" condition + "CombatUseItemOn" doesn't let the bot apply the quest completion.
And by simple closing HB and relaunching it, it compiles the profile and passes it, otherwise the bot will keeps killing mobs underwater, I EVEN DID A STOP/START of HB without closing it and i MANUALLY completed the quest and got the next quest and STILL the bot kept killing the mobs underwater...

This is where exactly it gets stuck inside the file : [A-Quest](39-44)EasternPlaguelands[Cava].xml (everything looks normal inside the profile, it must be CustomBehavior File="CombatUseItemOn" behavior that gets bugged somehow)

<If Condition="HasQuest(27453) && !IsQuestCompleted(27453)" >
  <While Condition="!IsQuestCompleted(27453)" >
    <CustomBehavior File="CombatUseItemOn" QuestId="27453" MobId1="8519" MobId2="8520" ItemId="61284" MobHpPercentLeft="99" MaxRange="5" X="1777.728" Y="-4480.072" Z="71.33502" />
    <CustomBehavior File="CombatUseItemOn" QuestId="27453" MobId1="8519" MobId2="8520" ItemId="61284" MobHpPercentLeft="99" MaxRange="5" X="1738.422" Y="-4471.527" Z="71.33502" />
    <CustomBehavior File="CombatUseItemOn" QuestId="27453" MobId1="8519" MobId2="8520" ItemId="61284" MobHpPercentLeft="99" MaxRange="5" X="1706.271" Y="-4495.529" Z="71.33502" />
    <CustomBehavior File="CombatUseItemOn" QuestId="27453" MobId1="8519" MobId2="8520" ItemId="61284" MobHpPercentLeft="99" MaxRange="5" X="1674.637" Y="-4520.238" Z="71.33502" />
    <CustomBehavior File="CombatUseItemOn" QuestId="27453" MobId1="8519" MobId2="8520" ItemId="61284" MobHpPercentLeft="99" MaxRange="5" X="1656.789" Y="-4556.394" Z="71.33502" />
    <CustomBehavior File="CombatUseItemOn" QuestId="27453" MobId1="8519" MobId2="8520" ItemId="61284" MobHpPercentLeft="99" MaxRange="5" X="1660.149" Y="-4596.311" Z="71.33502" />
    <CustomBehavior File="CombatUseItemOn" QuestId="27453" MobId1="8519" MobId2="8520" ItemId="61284" MobHpPercentLeft="99" MaxRange="5" X="1668.791" Y="-4635.538" Z="71.33502" />
    <CustomBehavior File="CombatUseItemOn" QuestId="27453" MobId1="8519" MobId2="8520" ItemId="61284" MobHpPercentLeft="99" MaxRange="5" X="1677.436" Y="-4674.782" Z="71.33502" />
    <CustomBehavior File="CombatUseItemOn" QuestId="27453" MobId1="8519" MobId2="8520" ItemId="61284" MobHpPercentLeft="99" MaxRange="5" X="1695.259" Y="-4710.895" Z="71.33502" />
    <CustomBehavior File="CombatUseItemOn" QuestId="27453" MobId1="8519" MobId2="8520" ItemId="61284" MobHpPercentLeft="99" MaxRange="5" X="1735.306" Y="-4710.209" Z="71.33502" />
    <CustomBehavior File="CombatUseItemOn" QuestId="27453" MobId1="8519" MobId2="8520" ItemId="61284" MobHpPercentLeft="99" MaxRange="5" X="1746.92" Y="-4671.615" Z="71.33502" />
    <CustomBehavior File="CombatUseItemOn" QuestId="27453" MobId1="8519" MobId2="8520" ItemId="61284" MobHpPercentLeft="99" MaxRange="5" X="1760.544" Y="-4633.939" Z="71.33502" />
    <CustomBehavior File="CombatUseItemOn" QuestId="27453" MobId1="8519" MobId2="8520" ItemId="61284" MobHpPercentLeft="99" MaxRange="5" X="1776.969" Y="-4597.149" Z="71.33502" />
    <CustomBehavior File="CombatUseItemOn" QuestId="27453" MobId1="8519" MobId2="8520" ItemId="61284" MobHpPercentLeft="99" MaxRange="5" X="1785.604" Y="-4557.94" Z="71.33502" />
    <CustomBehavior File="CombatUseItemOn" QuestId="27453" MobId1="8519" MobId2="8520" ItemId="61284" MobHpPercentLeft="99" MaxRange="5" X="1791.535" Y="-4517.845" Z="71.33502" />
<If Condition="HasQuest(27453) && IsQuestCompleted(27453)" >
   <While Condition="HasQuest(27453)" >
    <CustomBehavior File="CompleteLogQuest" QuestId="27453" /><!--<PickUp QuestName="Just a Drop in the Bucket" QuestId="27454" GiverName="" GiverId="" />-->

The part inside the log where it gets stuck in a killing mobs underwater loop, i marked with underline the part that shows that the quest was complete, but it kept doing the same thing for over 20 minutes until i stopped it.

[09:02:53.666 D] Compiling expression 'HasQuest(27453)' @ line 1134
[09:02:53.692 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[U][B][09:02:53.692 D] Goal: CompleteLogQuest: Catalysm[/B][/U]
[09:02:54.516 D] (Singular) [WoWRedError] Target needs to be in front of you.
[09:02:54.530 D] (Singular) CanCast[Kill Command]: still on cooldown for 2225 ms
[09:02:54.310 N] (Singular) reset target timer to 00:00:20
[09:02:54.310 N] (Singular) FaceTarget: facing since more than 70 degrees
[09:02:54.518 N] (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Auto Shot#75 failure: 'Target needs to be in front of you.'
[09:02:54.527 N] (Singular) reset target timer to 00:00:20
[09:02:54.528 N] (Singular) .... h=96.6%, focus=71.0, moving=False, peth=77.5%, Plague Ravager.3E43, 45.8%, 2.1 yds, loss=True
[09:02:54.533 N] [Singular] Casting Arcane Shot on Plague Ravager.3E43 @ 45.8% at 2.1 yds 
[09:02:54.732 N] (Singular) reset target timer to 00:00:20
[09:02:55.528 D] (Singular) CanCast[Kill Command]: still on cooldown for 1223 ms
[09:02:55.526 N] (Singular) .... h=96.6%, focus=47.0, moving=False, peth=77.5%, Plague Ravager.3E43, 30.4%, 2.2 yds, loss=True
[09:02:55.529 N] [Singular] Casting Steady Shot on Plague Ravager.3E43 @ 30.4% at 2.2 yds
[09:02:55.737 N] (Singular) reset target timer to 00:00:20
[09:02:57.753 D] (Singular) CanCast[Bestial Wrath]: still on cooldown for 50585 ms
[09:02:57.756 N] (Singular) .... h=96.6%, focus=55.0, moving=False, peth=73.0%, Plague Ravager.3E43, 14.4%, 3.7 yds, loss=True
[09:02:57.758 N] [Singular] Casting Kill Shot on Plague Ravager.3E43 @ 14.4% at 3.7 yds 
[09:02:57.933 N] (Singular) reset target timer to 00:00:20
[09:02:58.328 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[09:02:58.751 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[09:03:01.968 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: (null)
[09:03:01.968 N] [Singular] Current target invalid. Switching to aggroed mob Plague Ravager.3E44!
[09:03:01.968 N] (Singular) EnsureTarget: set target to chosen target Plague Ravager.3E44
[09:03:02.147 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Plague Ravager.3E44 h=100.0%, maxh=4280, d=10.6 yds, box=1.3, trivial=False, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=8520, faction=91, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, TargetIndex=1
[09:03:02.364 D] (Singular) CanCast[Bestial Wrath]: still on cooldown for 45974 ms
[09:03:02.578 D] (Singular) CanCast[Bestial Wrath]: still on cooldown for 45760 ms
[09:03:02.366 N] (Singular) reset target timer to 00:00:20
[09:03:02.366 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: Plague Ravager.3E44 h=100.0%, maxh=4280, d=8.3 yds, box=1.3, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=91, loss=Y, face=Y, agro=Y, pagro=N, TargetIndex=1
Thanks for report, fixed at rev 124
Hello Cava, another problem + fix for the profile named : [A-Quest](46-49)SearingGorge[Cava].xml

The bot loads this profile automatically when you are level 47 for example and tries to get a chain quest (but needs to turn the previous quest first) and goes in an infinite loop, normally if the bot doesn't shut down or get disconnected the previous profile would have done the job well, but incase HB shutdown, it can fall in this issue, so by adding this fix line it wont hurt and will avoid having this issue :

I marked the lines to add in bold + underline inside the profile mentioned above

<PickUp QuestName="Lunk's Task" QuestId="27956" GiverName="Lunk" GiverId="47269" X="-6892.28" Y="-1860.73" Z="251.0352" />
[U][B]<If Condition="HasQuest(28512) &amp;&amp; IsQuestCompleted(28512)">[/B][/U]
[U][B]<TurnIn QuestName="To the Aid of the Thorium Brotherhood" QuestId="28512" TurnInName="Jack Rockleg" TurnInId="47266" X="-6893.81" Y="-1853.1" Z="250.6843" />[/B][/U]
<PickUp QuestName="A New Master... But Who?" QuestId="27963" GiverName="Jack Rockleg" GiverId="47266" X="-6893.81" Y="-1853.1" Z="250.6842" />

Cheers :)