so i found something about the "we fall into water" problem after repairs/mail/etc
it works perfectly going down there to repair... it turns too quickly before attempting to come back up. it walks along the bottom dock until the part where its supposed to make a 180 and move over a few feet right? well it turns about 15 yards too short, then it eventually falls into the water!
so it looks like a minor tweak to the mesh should fix it. can someone do that?
NOTE: it took me about a day to farm this w/ a L60
I dont get why anyone would pay that much for this pet, it just looks like a normal parrot
I had created a new mesh and was same issue, I think I know how to fix the problem though, remove the vendor and change him to the one at the top beside the bs, then he dont need to go down to the bottom part unless going to the bank, I need to see if I can change it on mine and run it to see how it goes.
Thanks for the profile. If I did my math right, at .0007% drop rate it oughta take roughly 1,430 loots. Obviously it won't be some will farm far more than that and not get it, others will get it in a shorter period. I'm gonna start running this tonight. I'll probably give it about 3000 loots until I try something else. I'll let ya all know how it goes!
Any fix' for this yet?
I also tend to fall into the water (mounted). Because i'm using eSafe, HB stops after several tries to get out, but it seems like he doesn't know where to go when he's in the water.
I see the vendorname in the file and could change it to some other, but will this fix it? And how do i know what exact coordinates to put in there?
Any special plugins you use for this, except LootFilter? Just to be safe he doesn't delete the macaw when going to a vendor and stuff
Seems like a popular birdy, since i see a 'party of 2' doing this all day here. They must have a good bot since they do it in a party and don't attack targets i was first on to attack.
Is there a way to make our character not attack if target already has a target thats not our character?